The original chapter

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Here's the original chapter that started it. You can also see it on my about the author book (check my profile):


Ok, so a few months ago, my friend was being bullied. This, in its self, is a reason why we suck, but I want to address a problem that came during this. To try and stop the bullying we went to a teacher, smart move probably, except the bullies were angry at us, specifically me, because they were punished. Yep, they were punished for something they did. They faced the consequences of their actions, so they did the actions again to get back at the person who made them face the consequences (oh hey look it's me again). Apparently, according to their logic, bullying is fine, but as soon as you try to stick up for and help your friend, you're a bad person. So that's the story of why my bag is kicked on the way home from school whenever I forget to check they aren't behind me.

Yeah so humans are selfish and only stand up for their friends. What's new? I don't even know. This feeling I guess. The feeling of just deeply hating being part of a community that does that. I try to help anyone who needs it. Someone who I was currently annoyed at wanted me to come with them to a teacher's office. I was annoyed at her at that time but I still want with her. Why? Because she needed someone with her and nobody else would go. I sacrificed my break and - since the reason we went there was to talk about a problem in our friend group- possibly some of my friends to help someone I didn't like. There was nothing in it for me. But I wouldn't care if it was my best friend or someone who I find impossibly annoying, if they need help I would instantly give it to them. And I think that's how it should be. Why can't we all be kind and help those who need it, not just push them away because we dislike the for incomprehensible reasons? Why can't we be kind and forgiveful? Oh yeah, it's because we suck.

Another reason why we suck? Well this is what I was thinking about today. The reason I wrote this. Body image. That thing that means so much. Why, though? Does having the perfect body proportions make you a good loyal person? Does having pretty hair make you an intelligent, logical asset to your friend group? Does having flawless skin make you a kind, caring friend? Does being slightly overweight make you annoying? Does having frizzy hair mean you are gonna ruin people's lives? Does having a couple of spots warrant cruel remarks and laughing? NO. IT. DOES. NOT. Don't you dare, ever, think for a moment that just because you don't look perfect that you aren't a damn good person. Because no matter what your look is you can be whoever you want to be and if people want to point out your faults it's just so people don't spot theirs. Trust me. I've been there. They don't have to say your name. They don't have to look at you. They aren't even laughing at you that are laughing at some meme or inside joke . It isn't you they are laughing at. But when those giggles ring through the air in dance or sport or science or wherever you feel like your imperfections are shown, they may as well be laughing at you. Because your so insecure inside after seeing your faults in the mirror every day that just a smiling glance at the person behind you makes you wonder if it's about you. But do you want to know the truth? The only reason you are the faults first are because you are looking for them. You know it's an unfair world where people are judged by their weight instead of their personality. You know that the "wrong" outfit could ruin you reputation despite the fact that your friendly nature and quick wittedness are exactly the same. Humans suck because they feel insecure. They feel insecure so they take it out on someone else. That person is now also insecure. Instead of going round the school laughing at so and so's "stupid walk" compliment them on their pretty hair. Instead of mimicing that guy's accent, listen to what has saying and start up a conversation. Don't judge others. Yes people will judge you for talking to the weird loner. But if you just follow the crowd then nothing happens. Someone has to make a diffrence.

Humans suck.They really do. They, no, we just put each other down so we can feel better about ourselves. We are selfish and stupid. But we can change.

In fact in the spur of the moment, I want to start something.
On Monday 23rd May at 10:56pm (aka right now) I am starting


I want you to nominate as many people as you want, maybe 1 maybe your entire follow list. IF you are nominated then I want you to try and Compliment as many people as you can in one day. Stop sucking (oh asguardians that sounds weird) and start doing some good. Write down how many compliments and maybe a bit about what you did then nominate and direct them to here so they can see where it started. Help people have better days. Post your nomination list whereever you want. Make this happen. Put it on social media whatever. Just do this for me. For all the chapters I write for you guys, just take one day out of your lives to compliment others.

Thank you for reading.


if you don't mind tagging me it would be cool to see how far it spreads so if you don't mind could you tell the people you nominate to tag me.
Thank you again.
I know it seems really stupid and small but I want to try this. Even if it fails


Please try, for everyone who has ever doubted their worth.

For you

For you friends

For random people

For everyone

Please try

Thank you.

Thymajestictree over and out

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