Don't fight fire with fire

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Also on my "about the author" book:

Today I saw a picture that almost made me completely lose faith in humanity.

This post is horrible

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This post is horrible. It really is. I decied to find out more about it, hoping that there was some reason behind this or that she's seen the error of her ways and made a public apology or something similar.

But what I found was worse.

These are some of the worst status's about Lezi Fayfee

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These are some of the worst status's about Lezi Fayfee. I know that she did a despicable thing and it ought to be stopped and she needs to know she's not perfect either, but these people are acctully doing the same thing as Lezi!

Don't fight fire with fire.
They are still judging her on her body image. I understand why they are doing it but, haven't that learnt from her post how horrible it is?

Next time you reprimand someone for something like this, make sure you don't make their mistake.

Everybody is beautiful. Everyone is important. No one deserves to be abused because of their body image.

After all don't these sentences seem similar:

"If you are bigger than this why haven't you dead (died) yet!"

"Idk how she is still alive if I look (looked) like her I'd kill myself!"

When attacking your enemy, don't become your enemy.

And if you do feel the need to attack them, please do it politely.

Educate don't hate. Respect others beliefs but don't be afraid to make your own. Don't hurt others just because you are hurting. Be proud of who you are and make others comfortable with themselves.

Don't forget to keep sharing #humansuck and complimenting even if you've done your day!

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