Mission Leaf

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No One's Pov (morning a few hours after they arrived)

Sakura just finished giving Itachi, Konan, Sasori, Pein and Tobi the curse mark the bad thing was that all of their bodies hurt bad as hell.

"Okay you guys have to sleep the curse mark will spread through your bodies for a while so rest." They all nodded and went to their rooms.

"Sakura we have your Akatsuki cloak I had to cut it down." Said Deibra handing her the cloak, but as she was walking toward Deibra about to grab it she fell to the ground.

Deibra ran toward her and touched her head.

"She's just sleeping." He picked her up and took her to the very last room on the left and put her on the bed and tucked her in.

~Peins Office~

"Now we have to interrogate her how is she able to use both the Sharingan and the Rinnegan!!!!!!!!!!" Hidan said still in disbelief that a little girl beat him down.

Pein was standing in front of Sasori, Hidan, Kisame, and Kakuzo his face was still emotionless but you could tell he was tired and exhausted.

"We will ask her everything when she wakes up it shocks me that this little girl was able to beat three Akatsuki members including me not even breaking a sweat." Hidan looked pissed and annoyed.

"I'll get my revenge on that little bitch..
.." He said but was cut off.

"NO! It's too dangerous to be fighting her. She could be the one to help us with our goals. From here on out no one will touch even a little hair on her head. She's our secret weapon and by no reason should one scratch come to Sakura. UNDERSTOOD!" Pein said slamming his hand on the table.

All of them nodded even Hidan crossing his arm annoyed.

"What is this place? Who are you guys?" Said a sleepy child's voice at the room entrance.

All of them turned to see a half sleep Sakura standing there her right hand rubbing her eyes her eyes were different back to big and innocent. Pein walked toward her and picked her up in his arms and put her in his chest.

"I'll tell you everything when we get to your room. Okay." Sakura slowly nodded she looked up at him so cutely with a faded smile.

~Four Years Later Morning~
(Sorry I'm too lazy today but I wanted to update to I skipped years to get to the interesting parts)

No One's Pov

"Come on wake up breakfast is ready." Pain said touching the side of Sakura's cheek as he sat on the edge of her bed.

She slowly rose her super long bright pink hair all over the place.

"I'll be right there Papa Pein let me just brush my hair and get changed." He smiled and got up and left.

Sakura slowly got up she was wearing her pink shorts and white tank top pajamas. She walked toward the mirror it has been exactly four years since she joined the Akatsuki it's been four years since she last saw Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and everyone else in the village, but she didn't care the only thing she cares about getting revenge on those who abandon her and the one who tried to kill her.

Her reflection in the mirror is very different from how she looked as a kid. Her soft expression still their but she was different more mature. Her hair was longer and more wavy her body more mature she was tall even taller than Sasori only three inches.

Her eyes full of wonder and of innocence. She quickly brushed her long hair than walked to her closet and got out her new Akatsuki outfit she made last year. (Picture on top) Sakura put it on than her knee high boots than her leaf bang that had a big kunai slash on it than Sakura placed it on my head than walked out.

Sakura's Pov

I saw everyone in the living room waiting for me so we could eat breakfast together. Than we all sat down and ate in silence for a while until Papa Pein spoke.

"Sakura we have a mission today for you and Itachi you two will go to the Hidden Leaf Village and try to get information on the location of the 9 tail jinchuuriki haven't had word on him for about three years now. The rest of us will split and search for the other tails." He said eating some cereal.

"Aye sir!" Sakura said with a smile.

All of them left them left to their separate mission. I and Itachi ran toward the Hidden Leaf Village I could feel something inside me grow very hot, but I ignored it and kept going Itachi in front of me leading the way.

My mind was on something else what happens when I actually see someone I have known what will I do than.

"Sakura." I suddenly heard Brother Itachi say in front of me his voice as calm as ever.

"Yes Big Brother Itachi." He didn't turn around but he did stop on a tree branch and so did I.

"Sakura if you don't want to come or don't want to come than go back to the hideout. I'll deal with Pein later" I stood there frowning than she walked closer to Itachi and whispered in his ear.

"Say it Itachi." My glare intense as she backed up.

Itachi turned to me "Are you sure?"

I gave him a smirk which was a yes. Than Itachi said "I almost forgot your ring is ready were sorry it broke a few weeks back, but here we put a different symbol on it."

He grabbed my right hand and put the black ring with a pink background in the middle and the word cherry blossom in the center on her right finger. I smiled again and said my voice as happy as ever.

"Thank you so much big brother Itachi." I said hugging him tight.

No One's Pov

And she hugged him tight. He played with her hair for a while than he got closer to her left ear and whispered the curse words and Sakura's eyes became small than turned cat like her innocence self changed. She pushed Itachi so hard he was pushed off the branch and on one of the lower branch. "Damn I hate it when I'm being touched." She spat at Itachi who just turned back and started running again.

Sakura followed behind him. 'so I'm finally going to see my dear old friends. Today is just my first step to revenge to destroy everyone there to make everyone suffer to make everyone surrender to me.' She thought than a big evil smirk came upon her face. She was ready to hurt some people she knew.

After they were a few miles close to the Hidden Leaf Village or so Sakura would stop every few feet and threw Deibra's explosive birds at random directions making sure they landed on main parts of a tree. Making sure the bombs weren't heading in any specific location. 'It's finally time.'

Itachi and Sakura split up Sakura took the right side and Itachi the left. Sakura took out a small scroll from her back pouch and opened it and wrote the word 'Katana.' and she did a couple hand signs and she reached in the scroll and took out a katana with a white handle she rolled back the scroll and stored it back in her pouch. Than she saw six people in a close range.

'Its time to start!' Sakura thought as she jumped high in the air and began talking toward them and than their was a slash.

!!!!Finally I published this in a good time!!!!!
Thank you guys so much for reading guys!!
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