Chapter 5

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We all woke up early, so that we could have an early start. Before breakfast, we stood outside, with the horcrux placed on a falled tree.

We tried everything. Every single spell we tried? They failed. I just couldn't wait for all of this to be over. Harry was getting frustrated because he was doing spell after spell after spell, and getting nowhere with it.

The last spell he used set it on fire, but the fire soon went out and Harry picked it up. Instead of standing out here, I went back to the tent, where I saw an owl. It had a note so I opened it:

My dearest Noelle,

Hearing from you lifted a weight off of my shoulders. I didn't know whether you were safe or you were dead, or just injured. I just didn't know what to believe.

I'm still at the manor, and I've put all of your clothes in the wardrobe along with mine, ready for when you come home.

I don't know when I'll next see you, but I just hope it's soon. The atmosphere feels different without you.

Noelle? I love you... Keep yourself safe for me.

Your Draco

Once I'd read the letter, I went in the tent and sat at the table and cried. I just wanted to go back home.

--Draco's POV--

It's been a few days since I sent that letter to Noelle. I haven't got a reply, but I understand because she's a busy person. She's trying to stay alive, for one.

I was in the kitchen making tea, when my mother and father came in.

"Draco, this battle is getting serious now. We need you to be ready" my father said and I nodded, still making my tea.

"That may mean leaving Noelle again" my mother said and I threw my tea cup and the wall to the side of me.

"NO! I am not leaving her again. She will come with us when this is over" I said. "If needs be, she will stay here for protection"

Then, I pushed past my parents and ran up to my room, and laid on my side of the bed.

Oh Noelle, why can't you just be here now?

--Noelle's POV--

I was sat in the chair in the tent, a few days later, and Hermione and Harry were sat up at the table at the back. Ron was laid in bed listening to his radio.

"Oh my god..." Hermione said, and then she grabbed a book.

"What is it Hermione?" Harry asked, looking over.

This is where I zoned out, because when Hermione says that, it means there's something smart coming out of her mouth.

Then, I noticed Ron get up and he pressed the button on his Dilluminator. All of the lights went out, and Hermione and Harry looked around. Then, Ron walked over to where they were sat, and put all the lights back.

"Yeah, I'm still here" he said.

He was angry. Oh lord. This usually meant him falling out with one, or all of us.

"Come on, don't be afraid... Spit it out" Harry said and Ron just glared at him.

"I will spit it out, but don't expect me to be greatful, now that there's another damn thing we have to find" he spat.

"I thought you knew what you signed up for. What did you expect? We'd find a horcrux every other day? You'll be back with your family by christmas?" Harry said.

Harry did have a point. Ron should have known that this was going to take a while. Even I knew that.

"I thought that Dumbledore would've at least given you some clue on how to destroy it" Ron said, and then Harry walked over to him.

"I told you everything that Dumbledore told me, and in case you haven't noticed, we've found a horcrux" Harry said.

"And we're about as close to destroying it as we to finding the rest of them" Ron said.

That was when Ron had the valid point, but then it just leads back to what Harry said about being back home quickly.

"Ron, you wouldn't be saying these things if you hadn't been wearing the horcrux all day" Hermione said, but Ron completely ignored her.

"Do you know why I listen to the radio every night? To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name. Or Fred, or George, or mum-" Ron said and then Harry interrupted him.

"You think I don't listen too? You think I don't know how this feels?!" Harry shouted.

"You don't know how this feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!" Ron shouted back.

Harry then launched himself at Ron, grabbing him. He started pushing him around so me and Hermione had to break them up.

"Alright, go then!" Harry shouted.

Ron picked up his bag and was about to leave the tent.

"Take it off" Hermione said and then Ron threw the horcrux on the floor, and headed for the tent opening.

"What about you two? Are you coming or are you staying?" Ron asked us.

Me and Hermione just stayed silent, meaning that we were staying with Harry.

"Alright, I get it" Ron said, and then he left.

Hermione ran after him, trying to get him to come back, so I just stayed with Harry. I walked over to him, pulled him towards me, and embraced him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and burried his face into my neck.

I can understand why Ron is angry, and I can understand why Harry is angry. This whole thing is just way too stressful.

Hermione came back into the tent, crying. She obviously had no such luck in getting Ron to come back. Maybe he just needed his space.

Me and Harry rushed over to her, and hugged her, and she hugged us both back. We were just stood in a huddle, in the middle of the tent, trying to cheer up our best friend, Hermione.

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