Chapter 17

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We had disapperated onto a beach. The sea was crashing against the shore, and the wind was biting at my finger tips. The water was colouring to grey, during the winter time, and as it crashed upon the shore, it was soaking the sand through.

I saw Luna and Mr Olivander stood on the sand, seeming not bothered by the wind or the cold, or the sound of the waves. They were just staring.

"Hermione? We're safe, you're alright" Harry said, scrambling to his friend.

"Harry Potter..." I heard Dobby say quietly.

Everyone looked over at the elf, who was clutching at his stomach, and holding something at the same time. Me and Harry ran to him.

As Harry caught him, and started to cradle Dobby in his arms, I looked at what he was holding. It was the blade that Bellatrix threw at us whilst we were disapperating. Also, it was covered in blood.

I placed the blade on the sand, and tears fell from my eyes, and then I noticed Dobby looking around the beach in amazement.

"It's so... beautiful here" he whispered.

"Don't speak, just hold on" I said, stroking his head.

"Hermione will have something in her bag" Harry said, and he looked up at Hermione. "Please, help me"

Harry was crying, as he was cradling Dobby, so I reached uo and wiped his tears away, softly. Then, I took a quick glance at Hermione who was resting on Ron. Tears had stained her face, and she must still be traumatised at what happened back at the Manor.

I sighed and looked at Harry.

"I think it's time to let go" I whispered and both Harry and Dobby nodded.

None of us took our eyes off of Dobby, who then drifted off into a peacefull, perminant sleep. I noticed Luna come over, and she closed the elf's eyes, making the sleep look more realistic.

"There, now it just looks like he's sleeping" she said, and then she stood up.

"I want to give him a proper burial. Without magic" Harry said, and we all stood up.

Harry carried Dobby to the top of a nearby hill, that was covered in dry sand. Hermione and I knelt down at Harry's chosen spot, and we started digging a hole. Ron was carving into a large stone, and Luna was given the job of looking after the frail Olivander.

Once the hole had been dug, Harry wrapped Dobby's body in a dark blue cloth, and laid him in the hole. Everyone then covered him in sand and Ron put the large stone at the head of the grave.

I knelt next to Harry, linking his fingers with mine, and he out his head in my shoulder. Hermione and Ron were knelt together, and Luna was standing with Mr Olivander.

Here lies Dobby, a free elf.

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