Chapter 4: Question session

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" Наш первый вопрос сегодня , как вы думаете, ваши проблемы ?(Our first question today is, what do you think are your problems?)", I ask him as I look down at the clipboard in my hands.

" Ну ... гм .. Я думаю, что моя застенчивость , моя ПТСР , мое самосознание , и я сказали, моя негативность .( I think my shyness, my PTSD, my self-consciousness and I been told my negativity.)", Bucky tells me and I write his answer down in my notes.

"Почему вы думаете, это ваши проблемы? (Why do you think those are your problems?)", I ask while crossing my legs and him looking at the ground gloomily.

" Вероятно, из-за моего опыта в ... в Hydra.(Probably because of my experiences in ... in Hydra.)", He responds to me and again I note his answer but put my clipboard on my desk and place my hands in my lap.

" И как вы планируете на решении этих проблем ?(And how do you plan on fixing these problems?)", I ask and he just looks at me a bit curious about why I put my clipboard away.

" Если честно, я не знаю.(To be honest I don't know.)", He answers and I nod.

" Well let me tell you how you are going to fix them. You're first going to need friends, then time, and lastly patients.", I say in english and a stern but gentle face. He has a soft yet shocked look.

"Now the easiest things to cure out of your problems are your self-consciousness and your negativity. Which do you want to take care of first?", I ask him and he takes a second to think. I don't pressure him, I just lay back and let him think.

"Мое самосознание может быть, тогда моя негативность будет легче вылечить впоследствии. ( My self-consciousness maybe then my negativity will be easier to cure afterwards.)", He says to me with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Ok but just to let you know both of them with be cured at the same time if you think about it.", I say and scoot y chair closer to the couch. He looks at me with a 'What are you doing? ' look on his face.

"Just to be sure what are you most self-concious about?", I ask before I do anything.

" Моя металлическая рука. Извините, но я хотел бы спросить , что вы планируете делать ?(My metal arm. Sorry but may I ask what you are planning on doing?)", Buck asks me with an uncertain look.

I just smile a small smile and look straight in his eyes and straight up say, "I'm going to touch your left arm's hand." And with my statement he instantly pulls his arm away and looks at me like I'm insane.

"Let me explain before you jump to conclusions. I'm ONLY going to touch your left arm's hand's fingers, nothing else. I'm going to be gentle, careful, and the more you flinch, pull away, and the longer you take for me to touch the longer I get to touch it. Alright.", I tell him while holding my right hand out in front go me. I can see on his face that he's contemplating it. With a reluctant growl sound he holds his left hand out to me. I gently place my right index finger on his and proceed to leave it there.

" So what do you like to do?", I ask looking at him. He gives me a look of ' Why are you asking that know?'

"Умм .. Я люблю готовить , читать, и узнать о вещах . (Umm.. I like to train, read, and learn about things.)", he answers and I then place my second finger on his. He didn't really notice as we kept talking about other things I kept placing my other fingers on his until our hands were like Jane's and Tarzan's hands. Flat and flushed against one another. His metal hand was cool compared to my warm flesh hand, the metal felt unique it was different compared to other things I've touched. After he finished speaking his answer to my question I looked at our hands and he followed my gaze. His face was priceless. His stone expression just a few minutes ago turned to pure surprise and curiosity.

"How.. How did you do that?", Bucky asked and in english. 'I got to touch his hand and make him speak english, best session yet.' I think to myself as he examines out hands.

" Quiet simple, I distracted you. Plus you're very easy to talk to. We did twice the work we did yesterday. I got you to let someone touch your hand and for you to speak english. You're on a roll.", I say with a smile and a small giggle. He returns my statement with a tiny grin and a quiet giggle. I take my hand away and get up to get some papers. He slowly put his hand down and looks at me.

"Now I want you to do over night homework for me. I want you to take this erasable sharpie and have the team both touch and sign your arm. It doesn't have to be for a long time but long enough for them to sign it. I do know this will be difficult for you but just ask Steve to help you, ok.", I say to him and smile a guilty smile cause I know he won't like this at all. He gives me a glare that could burn me on the spot and he takes the sharpie with a highly disapproving look and mumbles some small curse words under his breath in Russian.

***** Later at the tower *****

"Hey Tony I need you to do something for me.", Bucky says to Tony as he walks up to him in his lab. Tony turns from his work and puts his hands up defensively.

"What did I do this time?", Tony asks a bit worried as to what the ex-assasin has come for.

"Nothing. Look I just need you to",Bucky said the last part a bit low and fast but Tony caught what he had said.

"Oh I'm sorry but can you say that one more time so I can hear that clearly.", Tony said with his classic mischievous smirk.

"I need you to touch and sign my arm for me please.", Bucky said looking at the ground holding the sharpie in his hands.

"Let me guess this is homework for Angelica, am I right?", Tony questioned and Bucky nodded.

"Ok I'll do it but, just to be clear did she specify on how we should sign your arm?", Tony asked taking the sharpie from Bucky while Buck lifted his sleeve up.

"No she just said for you guys to sign it.", Bucky replied as Tony padded his arm lifting it each and every which way, " But she did say for you guys to ONLY TOUCH my arm NOT to examine it like one of your suits, Stark !", Bucky states annoyed with Tony's actions.

"Oh sorry", Tony says with sass,"Just deciding on where to sign. Hmmm... I'll sign right here on your elbow.", Tony decides with a small evil laugh.

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