Chapter 1

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A/N: Dear readers be amazed with my improving writing. :) 


What is home? Is it a place where you have a roof over your head with food on the table? Or a place that makes you feel happy and warm inside, a place that welcomes you maybe a place where you feel like you belong? What does home mean to you?

Home. More like an empty house that is like a shell of a home. She thought in despair.

I don't want to return yet. I bet he won't be home either. What am I suppose to do with this tiny little heart beating? Should I divorce him? He seems happier without me. More like he doesn't need me.

With that thought she fell on the streets that was filled with honking and footsteps. No one paid any attention to the woman that was on the ground crying like a mad woman, after all this world is full of selfish human.

In the distance she could hear something rang and rang, but the woman was too heartbroken to care. She don't want to face the reality just yet, she wants to stay in this beautiful world of hers, where her love was next to her, sitting by the fire place, with her head on his lap while his fingers gently run through her hair.

"Ah..." the woman let out sigh. How she wished it would come true. But, that was just wistful thinking. How many time does she has to feel like she doesn't belong in this world?

Slowly her memories re-surfaced. The last thing that she remembered was that she was in the cold city full of people, crying her heart out.

Slowly the woman opened her eyes and realized that she was not in heaven rather she was in the living, which is much more worse than hell. Not only that, she saw a face that she never wanted to see, the face of her love, the who broke, no shattered her heart into million pieces.

"Hello my dear, Hinata." Said the man. His hair, the colour of black that makes ravens cry. Eyes matching his hair, face that's flawless, lips that seduce countless women. How she would kiss those lips. Ah, now that she thought about, he would never initiate any form of affection gesture. Thinking about it makes her feel bitter, sad and most of all, betrayed.

She didn't say anything to him rather she became even more closed off.

"Hinata, why didn't you say you were pregnant?" the man asked barely keeping his anger in check.

How dare he get angry with her! Shouldn't she be the one who is angry?

The woman who's named Hinata didn't flinch nor did she even acknowledge the man beside her.

"Are you listening to me? Hinata! This is serious, if, if I didn't see you at that time, you could've caused the baby problems. You could have taken better of yourself!" He said barely keeping his anger in check.

"Is that all you have to say, Sasuke?" She cut him off, no longer wanting to listen.

"If so then please leave. I never want to see you again." Hinata said in that quiet but firm tone.

"Don't be ignorant! We are not talking about others' problem, we are talking about us and don't pretend that nothing is wrong!" He yelled suddenly.

After a while he regain his composure and apologized but Hinata still felt hurt, after all he had never raised his voice to her.

"If you insist then, I will no longer pretend. I had thought that you would be faithful, not someone that would backstab me when I needed you the most!" Hinata screamed.

"How would you feel if someone you trusted had threw the trust and love away just like child no longer interested in old toys!" Hinata said tears falling like a rushing river.

"I had thought you were different, I had thought that wealth wouldn't go into your head. Do you know how it's like waiting for you in that house? How many times do I have to get hurt for you to see? The vows that you had made are all pointless if you cannot keep them! I always thought that it was my fault but it was you who broke the promise not only that you had lost my all trust." Hinata said face casted downward.

His Hinata, his wife, his love is sad, all because of him, the one that was suppose to hold her hands through sickness and death was hurt by him. HIM.

How he wished he could just rewind time, he knew he should have listen to his brother and stop his secret meeting with his pink haired, childhood friend.

"Get out of here. Just get out!" Hinata screamed as she threw the diamond ring at Sasuke. She was sad to let the diamond ring go but for once she want to be selfish. In this situation she should be able to be selfish right? All her life she had done what other had wanted.

Shocked was an understatement for Sasuke. Never would he expect her to lashed out him, but what she'd said was right. He had done the unthinkable thing to the woman that he had promised to live till his face turn wrinkly and hair grows white.

"It was a mistake." Sasuke voice cracked.

When she looked at him in the eye and dare she say he was crying, she could feel that he was sincere but... what he had done was much worse.

Sasuke Uchiha is a proud man, for him to be crying is huge. If the paparazzi were to see this... well the possibility is endless.

"It isn't a mistake. It's a choice and you chose to be with the pink hair woman. You wanted this badly, well, what could I do? I am letting you go. Be with that woman." Hinata said emotionlessly

"What about the child, the child is mine as well as yours." Sasuke said desperately.

"Would it still be you're child when I say that this baby father isn't you?" Hinata said.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke said frozen in place.


A/N what do you think? Helpful criticism is welcomed. 

Did you just fart cause you blew me away. Sorry had to put it there. ;) 

Peace out. 

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