The End and The Beginning

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Naruto belongs to Kishimoto. 

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I was just so busy with school that I didn't have time to post this.  Alright then let get on to the story!

Pervious chapter:

"What about the child, the child is mine as well as yours." Sasuke said desperately.

"Would it still be you're child when I say that this baby father isn't you?" Hinata said.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke said frozen in place.

On to chapter 2: The End and The Beginning. 

"I mean this baby might not be yours." Hinata said emotionlessly.

Saying that one sentence truly and deeply hurt to say, after all no one wants to lie to the one to he or she love.... Do they?

"I fucking know what you mean!" Sasuke exploded.

"Is it that weasel? Is he the father of this child? Is that why he always come to our house? Were you cheating on me?" Questions after questions came from Sasuke.

Hinata would've never thought he would come to that conclusion. All Hinata wanted to do was say 'no' to all of them.

The thing about Itachi . . . He didn't know?

"No! It's not Itachi. It was never Itachi!" Hinata desperately shook her head.

Itachi couldn't have kids even if he wanted to not with that hateful illness.

Hinata wanted, so desperately wanted to tell him but ... it wasn't her story to tell.

"You say that I'm the one lying but you, you were the one going behind my back prostituting yourself to other man, not just any man but my bro-"

A loud noise resounded throughout the room. Hinata's hand collided with Sasuke's left cheek.

All Sasuke could do was gape at Hinata.

"You... How could you say that about your brother? All he did was love you. He had always put you first." Hinata said with tearful eyes.

"How selfish of you." Hinata whispered.

"Why is the world so unfair? Itachi this. Itachi that. Always Itachi. Everything I want always chose Itachi. I had thought you were different. I thought you would always hold my hand through the thick and thin." Sasuke said with a hallow laugh.

"I have always been with you. You were the one who let go. Not me." Hinata said, clenching her fist so hard that her hands started to bleed.

"You can't use that against me. You-"

Sasuke didn't get finish his sentence as the door slam open. The person they were talking about came into the room with a composure that only an Uchiha could master.

"What is going on here? I could you from outside. There are other patients in here. Both of you are adult so start behaving like one. Now what seems to be the problem?" Itachi asked as he sat down in the vacant seat.

Sasuke was speechless. How dare he come in? Sasuke thought seething with anger.

"You bastard." Sasuke said slowly.

"How dare you show your face to me!" Sasuke roared.

"Little brother, you don't have to shout. Let's talk like reasonable adult. How about we talk after Hinata is well rested? After all you don't want Hinata to faint again." Itachi said once again having that calm composure.

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