'Message failed to send'

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Warnings :

Triggers, May make you cry

The second last chapter : (1114 words)

'Message failed to send' i read the same 4 words over and over again my heart breaking more and more as i kept repeating those words in my head. I couldn't believe it and my heart broke i felt like i was burning from the inside out as a scream ripped through me i kept going until my voice was hoarse and broken.

I should have done it,

I should have told him it was fine,

I should have begged him to stay.

I should have done it, but it was him who begged me to stay.

I should have taken the keys making him stay with me

I heard knocking on the door and i didn't look up not even when the door knob broke and people ran in i didn't respond to their questions i just stared at the god damned device as all slivers of hope and happiness drained from me until i was just numb and my heart was gone it wasn't beating the same way because i knew he was gone.

I killed him and he wasn't coming back.

I sat in the chair and i didn't look up the device was taken from me and i hadn't given any response and i didn't want to

"Cartwright you have to talk eventually" one said and i just blocked them out as my world shattered around me and no one was here to pick up the pieces like he did, and i couldn't pick them up by myself.

"CARTWRIGHT!" someone screamed i gasped like i hadn't breathed in a while, my mind was foggy and my senses were dull i wasn't aware i was being shook until i was knocked over i sat up, looking up my eyes hardening and my heart was gone but my senses weren't, they were sharp, i stood up looking at the person i had never seen before.

"Give me the phone" i said i didn't even recognize my own voice and i was scared of myself but i pushed that away and stood in front of the man.

"Give me the phone" i repeated he pulled out my cell and handed it to me i gripped it and walked out as the man quivered like a leaf in the wind.

I walked out and down the street to the place he used to take me and i looked out and then down at the drop.

I knew it was bad but i messaged him again.

I stood on his cliff the one we shared our first kiss, our first date and ... it was our safe place that we shared with each other when one of us went missing for days or was not answering calls we went here to see each other again.

Now i was standing on this cliff my mind was racing a million miles and my hands were shaking i didn't know what was going to happen next, i gasped and fell to the floor i couldn't pick up the pieces alone tears streamed down my face.

He was gone and it's my fault.

My tears didn't stop and my mind was racing and i felt sick as everything fully settled down as the dust cleared and there lay him,

My future

My Happiness

My other half

My Ying

My Life

My Soul

He was gone and i couldn't stop the tears and cries i called out for him but he didn't show and it ached, my soul ached for him.

My heart stopped as i heard a 'bink' everything slowed down as i sat up and looked at my phone to see the message icon,

it couldn't be him, he was gone

I opened my phone and the message app and there was a text message from him. i looked at the screen not moving a muscle, not opening it and just staring out into the abyss of the Cliff.

He was gone, he has been gone.

I opened it hesitantly and the message read :

'Hey, its been a long time i know,

I'm sorry Baby, i failed and i hope you are okay,

Love -'

I couldn't read his name it hurt too much

"WHAT SICK JOKE IS THIS!" i screamed into the abyss it came back as a muffled echo of what i had said i looked at the screen to see the time the message had been sent and it stopped my brain as it was only a minute ago, i closed my phone and dropped it next to me my heart was hoping and i couldn't let it, my world had been shattered for so long and hoping was making it worse, making me feel was hurting even more.

I did it.

I got up and i looked down i looked at the black abyss below me and i looked back at my phone as it kept chiming i closed my eyes and fell my mind was at ease knowing it would be over soon.

No more pain

No more aching

No more love

"CARTWRIGHT!" i heard someone scream as i was yanked up and into a warm chest my eyes were closed and i opened them

They didn't let me fall.

i looked up and i stepped back away from the Cliff to see him i fell back my skin felt cold as my mind went on alert

"YOUR DEAD!" i screamed at him

"Cartwright stop" he said i didn't i screamed at him again the same three words 'How could you'

"Cartwright" he whispered he moved to touch me

"NO!, DONT!" i said backing up and i fell back onto my back because my hand had slipped onto my phone i held it and opened it to see his messages and they all said 'don't do it'

"You died" i whispered my eyes watering "You left" i said i kept going on

"Cartwright" he whispered my head pounded and i gasped and gaped as he walked towards me

"MICHEAL YOU'RE DEAD YOU HAVE BEEN FOR 10 YEARS!" i screamed closing my eyes and i kept them shut as my phone vibrated in my hand and the tears wouldn't fall anymore.

i accepted it

he was gone and i was sat on the cliff edge staring out in the abyss "You're gone" i whispered "Micheal" i whispered it still hurt but i felt like everything felt real now.

I was able to keep living

{Sorry if i made you feel sad in this one but it needed to be done. If you read just the bold there's a little story}

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