Charles Xavier

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Based around X-Men: First Class. . .

The Xavier Family
Charles and Raven led the gang into the mansion, allowing them all to take in the beauty of it all. Everyone was impressed at the large mansion and still couldn't believe it that Charles and Raven had lived there for most of their life.
   "Wow, it's cool." Alex breathed out. "But wouldn't it get lonely with just you two?"
   "Oh, we had some company." Charles smirked in Raven's direction, the shapeshifter returning the similar smirk full of secrets. Facing towards the staircase, Charles cupped his hands near his mouth and hollered out in a very loud voice, "HONEY, I'M HOME!"
   "Wait, what -?" Hank paused when they suddenly heard someone rushing down the stairs. They all watched as a woman around her early twenties came down the stairs wearing a beautiful white sundress. She had raven black hair cascading down her back, skin a nice pale colour, her lips red and plump, her eyes a beautiful shade of blue that shined when she locked eyes with Charles. But what stood out the most when glancing at her was her swollen stomach. She was pregnant.
   "Charles!" she breathed out, jumping off the second last step and into his waiting arms. Charles laughed wholeheartedly, twirling her in his arms in joy - as much as he could with a pregnant woman, and not squish her stomach. "You're here!"
   "Yes, I am!" he laughed. After putting her down, he placed a hand on her shoulder, the other on her stomach, and gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry about not calling earlier. Company; it was a last minute decision."
   "It's okay, I'm just glad you're back safe." She then pulled him into a kiss.
   "Whoa-whoa-whoa! Hold up! Back up, man, back up!" Sean exclaimed loudly, holding his arms up in a motion to make everything stop. "What is happening? Who is this really attractive chick?"
   "I guess introductions are to be made." Charles said rhetorically. He stood beside the woman and wrapped an arm around her waist, his other hand resting on her stomach. "Everyone, this 'attractive chick', is my wife, Audrey Xavier."
   "Wife!" Erik raised an eyebrow at the word. "You have. . .a wife."
   "Isn't it a bit. . .soon to be married?" Moira hesitantly asked him. Charles merely smiled at her question, planting a kiss on Audrey's temple.
   "Well, you know what love is like." Charles laughed. "When you know that person is the one, you just know. Besides, Audrey and I have known each other since we were little before Raven came. She helped me a lot during my early times when I learnt about my mutation. She was the only one I could trust about my mutation before I met Raven."
   "Audrey!" Raven grinned, pulling the woman into a tight hug. "It's been a while since we last saw each other ever since Charles attended university. How is the baby? Not giving you hard times in there?"
   "We were separated for only roughly a year." Audrey smiled, pulling away from the hug. "The baby is fine. Besides, I would have been a burden while Charles was doing his thesis."
   "Nonsense," Charles scoffed, "you wouldn't be a burden to me."
   "A baby crying in the middle of the night would, along with a crabby pregnant woman." Audrey pointed out. Everyone except Charles and Raven stared at Audrey bewildered.
   "A baby?" they chorused.
   "But it looks like you're only four months - oh, don't tell me. . ." Hank closed his eyes in exasperation when a baby's cry could be heard. "Great. You also secretly have a child that's born already."
   "Ah, and that is my cue." Audrey pulled away from Charles but not before giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Why don't you give your friends a tour while I go and calm down Junior?"
   "Ooh, can I come?" Raven asked excitedly. "I haven't seen baby Charles in ages."
   "Sure you can!" Audrey giggled, leading her and Raven the way. "He is growing up so much and looking more like Charles."
   "Really? Bummer." The women laughed and continued to catch up while heading to the sound of the baby crying, Charles watching after them fondly. Everyone stared at Charles with the same expressions from earlier. Shock, confusion, betrayal. . .it felt like a slap to the face when they found out Charles was a married man and even had a child living in a mansion, his wife carrying their second child. He had a family all along, and no one knew about it except himself and Raven. Everyone just couldn't believe it that their leader was a family man.
   "Ah, not a day goes by when I think about Audrey and the kids." Charles sighed happily, tearing them away from their thoughts. "I don't know what I would do without her."
   "When were you going to tell us about this?" Moira demanded. "When were you going to tell me? I looked into your files, and it said you did not have a wife - or a child!"
   "You know how life was before you CIA people came to me," Charles explained calmly, "I made sure that Raven and I were under an impression that we weren't abnormal. But to be sure, I also made sure that all files on Audrey and Junior were hidden from everyone. It was important for me to make sure that they don't get pulled into this mess about us mutants. They need as much protection as they can get. And it's been successful so far! No one knows about them - well, except you all now. And the reason why is because I trust you all that you will keep it a secret. Yes?" Charles looked at them seriously, taking turns at looking at them in the eye. "Do I make myself clear? If not, then I will happily erase your memories now." Everybody nodded their heads in confirmation quickly, not wanting their memories to be wiped. "Good!" Charles grinned, serious mask off. "Then let's start the tour shall we? After that, you all can try a special dish of one of Audrey's delicious meals, and have the chance to meet my son, Charles Junior! My, I haven't seen my boy for almost a year now. It'll be a nice surprise to see how much he's grown."
   He then started walking in a random direction, still absently talking about his wife and kids. "Well come on then!" Charles called to them over his shoulder. "The sooner the tour is done, the sooner I can catch up with my wife!"
   "Are you still -?" Hank asked Erik.
   "Yep, still trying to wrap my head around it." Erik answered, following after the whistling telepath. "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll explain soon."
   "We've had enough surprises for one day, eh?" Sean chuckled weakly.
   "And it's not going to stop." Moira sighed, all of them running to catch up with the telepath that suddenly left their sight.

The End

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