On the Dock, One Lonely Tuesday

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Ripples in the water, throw

Salty mist over my toes.

            Scales shimmer up my body

                 My legs becoming one

    Delicate arms evaporate into the clouds

            As fragile fins unfold like butterflies in their place

         My body

  Flipping and turning

            Into a luminescent crescent moon.

I shiver; scales rippling with the waves beneath

            Eyes close; I don’t want to see.

               Hearing my wishes

   My vision grows dim

  Hear my little heart beating

 Fast, making music with the wind.

  Transformed on the dock, with

            Nothing noticed, a fish

                        Lying on boards, so out of place

                            In the world. Sun sets and

            A fish out of water.

Jumps into the ocean.

~A Ronnquist

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