"She walks to school..."

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  • Присвячено Angela Carter

"She walks to school in the lunch she packed, nobody knows what she's holding back. Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday, she hides the bruises with the linen and lace."

Angela Carter rushes out of the house wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday. She knows if she stays any longer, she'll be hurt. Her mother had started smoking again and she was terrified. Yes, she was only seven, and yes, she had a highly abusive mother.

She grabbed her arithmetic and spelling books as she closed the door gently. Her mother wouldn't provide her with a backpack, so she had to carry her books with her as she began to walk slowly down the street. A girl from her classrooms stops to laugh at her and Angela just keeps on walking, trying to block out the pain.

As she reached the steps of the school, she noticed  a young girl hug her loving mother. Angela kept a sad smile on her face as she walked up the steps to school.

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