"Somebody cries..."

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"Somebody cries in the middle of the night. The neighbors hear, but they turn out the light. A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate. When morning comes it'll be too late."

As they sat on the bench, laughing, you could see Angela's true happiness. Christopher, the boy, tells her jokes about cows as they had a wonderful time at recess. As the bell rang, Christopher and Angela stood up together.

"Will I see you soon?" Angela asked looking hopefully at Christopher. 

"Yes." He told her. She smiled at him again. She felt so lucky to finally have a friend. Together they walked back to class.

After school ended, Angela quickly walked home. She wanted to avoid the girls who bullied her and be home so her mom wouldn't hurt her again. When she got home, her mother was still in the master bedroom, smoking. Angela slipped by into her own room and shut the door. 

"Hi!" a voiced called out behind Angela, startling her. She turned around and saw through her window Christopher. Another smile appeared on her face as she eagerly replied.

After about a half hour talking, Angela noticed something unusual. All of the lights were off in Christoper's house. She didn't say anything though.

"What if I offend him," she thought to herself as Christopher was explaining a story, "Would he still be my friend?" Deciding against risking her friendship, Angela decided on talking about other things instead.

She heard a loud slamming noise and thought "Oh no, mother's angry." Terrified of what came next, or what Christopher would see, she tried to quickly say "good bye", but as she was going to her door swung open, revealing an angry-looking mother.

Her mother grabbed her shoulders and started screaming and violently shaking her. Angela turned to look at Christopher, and his eyes gave a knowing look.

"I hate you!" Angela's mother screamed into her face. Tears started to form, but Angela would stay strong, for somehow she knew this time would be worse, maybe even fatal. Her mother pulled her arm over to the corner and started repeatedly hitting Angela. Still she would not cry. 

Her mother delivered the final slap, and Angela fell to the floor.

He mother whispered to her, "You will bother the world no more." as she turned to walk away.

"No more."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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