Figuring It All Out

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It seemed like the entire room went silent, awkwardly silent. Obviously, it didn't, but our little group certainly went quiet.

"You're kidding!" Sayo looked like she couldn't make up her mind to be in shock or to be excited about it. She settles on the latter and then it shifts into a look of concern. "But... who?"

"Do you seriously think I know?" I couldn't help the way my voice shook a little as I said it. This was something serious and I was freaking out, though I didn't let it show.

Sayo knew that I was telling the truth when I said I had no idea. She knew how I was and that I fooled around a lot, especially whenever I was drinking. It's not like I did it all the time though, maybe only once or twice a month. On rare occasions, maybe there would be a third time. "You really have no idea?"

All I could do was shake my head. This shouldn't have even been possible. Okay, so maybe I should have been on birth control or something, but that was a lot more expensive than condoms if you didn't have sex more than a couple times a month. Riskier, but also a lot cheaper overall. Plus I was pretty sure alcohol would mess with the effectiveness, so it would have just been a waste.

"Well..." Sayo's eyes lit up with an idea. "When are you supposed to be due? I mean, if we can count back to about when it happened, we could probably narrow it down a bit."

To be honest, I didn't think it was possible to figure out who the father was. It was rare for me to even remember a guy after screwing around with him, so figuring out which idiot hadn't been careful would be next to impossible. "January 13th."

"So that would mean it happened around mid-April. Most likely." Sayo grinned at me. "So who was Mr. April?"

I had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes at the ridiculous nickname. In April there was only one time because a lot of people had gotten sick at work, so I'd gotten stuck filling in on days that I would normally have had off. And unfortunately, April was the guy who I had no memory of except for waking up in bed with him. Even then I didn't really get that good of a look at him, so I was screwed. And not in the good way.

Before I could answer her though, I noticed Hanamaki nudge his friend out of the corner of my eye. What was his name again? I want to say Hajime... The two boys shared a hushed conversation between themselves, but don't look like they intended to tell either of us.

"I don't really remember anything about him," I quietly admitted, ignoring the two boys. "All I can remember is waking up in his apartment." From there, I spoke slowly as I tried to recall as much as I could. "It was a pretty big apartment... nice... his roommate's room was a mess though..." Doing my best, I tried to summon up a picture of him in my mind. "Tall. He seemed like he was kind of tall and had a sort of athletic type of build. His hair was dark... kind of messy too. Kind of cute. Not nearly as hot as that Oikawa guy you used to go nuts over back in high school, but he was nice looking."

Hanamaki and his friend flinched a little at the mention of Oikawa. No doubt they knew of him and probably disliked him. Might have even gone to the same high school. Sayo though, didn't seem to notice their reaction.

"Sounds kind of average," she said, thinking out loud. Sayo then sighs. "That's no help at all..."

I could have easily told her that there was no chance of figuring out who the guy was and I was about to point that out when I noticed Hanamaki elbow his friend. His friend looked up but avoided making eye contact. "I... might know who it is..." he said, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck.

"It's Mattsun," Hanamaki announces before we had a chance to question it, putting a grin on his and Sayo's faces.

Matsukawa though looked a bit irritated. "You don't know that it's actually me..." he mumbled a bit. "I don't even know for sure if I actually did anything with her. She wasn't there when I woke up, so I just assumed it was just a dream or something..."

"It all makes sense though," Hanamaki quickly pointed out, making me even more confused than I already had been. "It had to have been sometime in April, right? About mid-April, you failed that one test, remember? So we went out to have a drink or two and you saw some girl sitting all by herself. You kept staring and I kept telling you to go talk to her but you were too much of a coward to do it. Then when you finally did, you two really got along."

As Hanamaki told the story, little wheels began turning in my mind. All the pieces were starting to click into place and a very fuzzy memory of that night began forming. I began to remember some guy getting too pushy about getting with me and since I don't like pushy guys, I'd kept trying to politely tell him to get lost. After a while some stranger had come up and chased the other guy off. We then got talking; one thing led to another and next I knew, I was waking up in bed with him the next morning.

Sayo, who had been listening and paying close attention to the expressions that I had unknowingly been making, grinned. "Well, now that that's all settled... You want to move with me, Makki?"

The three of us just stared at her in shock. What the hell was that girl thinking? Makki seemed to be the most surprised. The poor guy looked like he really wanted to say no, but felt like he wasn't allowed to. Instead, he had to try and come up with an excuse not to.

"Well, Mattsun can't really afford our place without me..."

It was a pretty pathetic excuse and Sayo wasn't buying it. "Kazumi could move in with him."

And there's her little scheme. Even an idiot could figure out that she was attempting to set the two of us up. If Hanamaki moved in with Sayo, Matsukawa would need a new roommate. Since I was planning on getting a bigger place and would now need one, it would be a good idea. In a way, it helped both of us. That didn't mean we liked the idea though.

"That's insane."

I nodded, agreeing with Matsukawa. "I barely even know this guy! I can't just move in with some stranger!"

"It's crazy," Hanamaki said, backing the two of us up. However, Sayo's grin didn't fade.

"You two are going to be having a baby together," she happily pointed out. "Kazumi will be needing a bigger place and with having to take care of a baby, she wouldn't be able to afford one on her own." Damn Sayo and that scheming brain of hers... "Mattsun 's apartment would be the perfect size for the three of them and this way you could raise the baby together. Besides," Sayo turned and directed her next words at Hanamaki, "if we moved in together, we could have sex more."

Bringing sex into it was a low blow. She didn't say that they would, only that they could. But that was more than enough to change the look in her boyfriend's eyes. He turned to Matsukawa and put a hand on his shoulder. "Good luck finding a new roommate."


"If you don't want her for a roommate, you could always call Oi-"

"No!" Matsukawa nearly shouted, stopping his friend before he could even finish saying the name. "No way in hell am I ever living with that guy. I'd never get a girl again..."

Sayo just laughed to herself. "So let Kazumi be your new roomie."

My eyes met with Matsukawa's and I could see my own emotions reflected in them. He was feeling the same as I was about this. It was crazy to even consider moving in with someone you'd just met. Okay, maybe we'd actually met almost a month ago and I was going to have his kid, but that still didn't make this okay.

"Sayo, I love you and you're my best friend, but that is an insane idea..."

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