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I look at the orange painted walls in dad's old room at the Burrow. I hear a faint knock and I look up to see Dad standing in the doorway.
"Hey Rosie, I'd expect you to be downstairs with your cousins," Dad says and sits down next to me.
"I'll be down in a second. I just wanted to relax before I beat Albus and James in Quidditch," I say as we both smile. This week is when all the Weasley-Potter family and 'extended' family will be staying at the Burrow. Alice is coming and so are Lorcan and Lysander.
"You know this used to be my room when I was still living here," Dad says and I nod.
"You only say that ever time we're here,Dad," I point out and he chuckles.
"Do I really?" He asks and I nod," Now Rosie, don't pull an Auntie Ginny hexing your brother. Or your cousins," Dad jokes and I giggle.
"I promise Dad," I reply with a smile and he smiles.
"Good. Mum and I will be at home not far from here if you need anything," Dad reminds me as we walk down stairs just all my cousins flood in and out saying their goodbyes and going up and down the stairs with their luggage.
"Hugo! We're about to leave!" Dad shouts and soon enough my little brother, Hugo is running down the stairs. 
"Rose, Hugo, you two have fun now," mum says and she hugs me then Hugo.
"It's a week, mum. What could go wrong?" I ask and Mum and Dad smile.
"Literally everything," Hugo points out.
"Shut it Hugo," I snap and turn back to my parents.
"Have fun and be nice to everyone. Bye Rose.Bye Hugo," Mum says.
"Bye my little rose," Dad says and kisses the tops of my head," Bye kiddo." Mum and Dad give me a hug and then hug Hugo and finally apparte out. Hugo walks back upstairs leaving me in the foyer alone.
"Rose!" Albus shouts jogging down the stairs," I've been looking for you every where."
"Well I've been here," I laugh.
"Promise me, you won't kill me?"
"Why would I?"
"I invited Scorpius," he says and my face drops," Rose he's my best friend. You got to invite Ali-"
"Alice isn't even coming, she's in Scotland! But a Malfoy at a Weasley home? Are you mental?" I cut him off and he winces," You know everything about what happened and you just let him into the house. Just keep him out of my way." I can't believe he would we that insensitive. Albus and now Scorpius are staying in Ginny's old room not far from my room, great. Hopefully I'll be able to avoid them, they're are going to be a lot of people here. Majority of the family that still goes to Hogwarts are coming, along with the Scamander twins and Scorpius. Uncle Bill and his family are going to France to visit Aunt Fleur's family so that leaves Lily, Hugo, Albus, James, Fred, Roxanne, Lucy, and me out of the family.
"Rose sweetie, can you please go help Lucy with her stuff?" Molly, grand mum, ask and I nod. I head out the door and look around. Instead of Lucy's brown hair, I spot dirty blonde hair.
"Alice!" I yell and she turns around. We run to each other and she hugs me.
"Rose!" She squeals and I smile.
"Its been so long since the end of fourth year," I say and she nods, "I didn't know that you were coming for sure because of your trip to Scotland."
"Well surprise!" She says.
"Alice, I'm going to go put your stuff inside the Burrow," Professor Longbottom, her dad, says and Alice nods.
"This is great. We're gonna have so much fun" I say with a smile.
"It was your mum's idea, a surprise. We got a special escort from the Ministry to come back early," Alice explains and we walk inside the Burrow.
"Hello Alice," grandmum greets and hugs her.
"Hi Grandmum Molly," Alice reply.
"You can stay with me, I don't have anyone to share with," I say and take her trunk to Dad's old room.
"So how's life?" Alice asks as we walk up the stairs.
"Good but guess who's coming?" I ask and Alice shrugs, "Malfoy."
"Scorpius is coming? Wow it'll be like a mini reunion of what we all used to be," Alice says.
"Alice don't bring up the so-called Golden Group," I groan.
"Oh sorry. I'm going to go find James," Alice says and smiles.
"Third floor," I tell her and she nods as she goes down the stairs. I jump down on the bed and open up my trunk. Quickly I sort through my stuff, put it up, and clean out my trunk. "Perfect," I mumble and see small photos stuck to the bottom. I grab them and see the photo from third year of Scorpius and me. Another of our friend group. I grab my wand from behind ear and pick up the photo of Scorpius and me. "Ince-" I stop myself. Half of me was saying What are you doing burn it he means nothing to you but the other half was saying Burning the photo isn't going to prove anything except for what Malfoy and Phoebe think of you. I put my wand back behind my ear and stuff the photos back into the trunk. I need some fresh air, and I grab a book and start to walk down the stairs. Probably a hazard but I start reading my book and walking down. I collide with someone and my book flies out of my hands.
"Rosie," a rough voice says. Of course I collided with Malfoy, just my luck. He looks almost the same from fourth year just taller and more muscular, more grownup. Man, a boy can grow fast between the end of school and beginning of August.
"Excuse me," I croak and push past him.
"Hey Rosie," he says and I turn around.
"What?" I snap.
"Nothing I just thought you would want your book," he suggests with a smile and hands me my book.
"Thanks," I say and walk down the rest of the way. I walk past Lorcan and Lysander coming in and make my way towards the garden. It's noon time and quite hot outside. I sit down on a porch swing, quite a weird Muggle name since they aren't all on porches, and open up my book.

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