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I lay in the cot as Albus snores quietly, sound asleep. I've never been one to go to sleep easily even at home. But when I do sleep it's hard to wake me up. I grab my wand and throw on some trainers then walk down to the kitchen of the Burrow.
"Lumos," I whisper and hold my wand looking at a strange clock. It has all the Weasley members including the Potters on it.
"Turn around slowly. You will not touch that clock," Molly's voice threatens and I turn around. "Oh sorry dearie. I didn't know it was you thought it was a criminal," Molly says and lowers her wand.
"Why does it have your family members on it?" I ask and take a seat.
"It tracks them. I added all the grandkids on it when they were born and the in-laws. Would you care for a cup of tea?" Molly ask.
"Yes please," I say then look at the clock and eye Rose's clock arm.
"Here you go Scorpius," Molly says and hands me the cup.
"Thank you," I say and take a sip.
"How are you doing, Scorpius?"
"Good just can't sleep well," I say then speak up after a long pause," Have you ever noticed that Rose smells like bread and flowers? How her face flushes red by the tiniest thing? Or that her left eye is bluer than the right?"
"No," Molly says and sounds surprised," I've never noticed she smells like bread and flowers or any of that."
"Oh well I'm going to head up. Goodnight Molly," I reluctantly say and she hugs me. I walk up the steps and collide with someone.
"Lumos," the voice says and I can see fiery red hair, freckles, and beautiful blue eyes.
"We have to stop meeting like this, Rosie," I say with a chuckle and Rosie scowls.
"You have a girlfriend, Malfoy," Rosie says and pushes past me. Right, Phoebe Krum. The perky blonde who is all over me.
"What? I can't say hi?" I playfully ask.
"Not when you add I smell like bread," Rose shoots back.
"It's fresh bread. What's wrong with that?" I ask.
"What's wrong with it is Phoebe Krum already hates my guts so I don't need her Scorpion King ruining my reputation even more," Rosie snaps.
"Rosie-" I say helplessly.
"Save it," Rosie spits. I walk back to my room and shut the door.
"Great,now she's mad at me," I mumble and lay down. Slowly I fall asleep.

"Scorpius! Wake up!" Albus says and I feel a force pushing me out of the cot. I meet the floor and I roll over.
"Oi!" I yell.
"Get ready mate," Albus says and leaves. I rummage though my trunk and grab a pair of jeans, a green shirt, and muggle high tops. I slip on the jeans then the door opens.
"Malfoy hurry-" Rose says then turns bright red. I put on the shirt and tie my shoes.
"I'll be down in a second," I say and she nods then closes the door. I grab my wand then head down.
"Good morning!" Molly greets and hands me a plate.
"Morning," I greet and put some bacon and eggs on my plate. I sit down next to Albus.
"I heard Professor Chang isn't going to be here this year," Lucy says.
"Yep, the new professor is Professor Barnes," Alice says.
"Well O.W.L.S. are this year so let's hope she's good," Rose says and takes a seat.
"Sorry about earlier," I whisper.
"I should've have knocked. Not your problem at all," Rose says and turns her nose up.
"Ok Rosie Posey," I say and I hear the sound of forks drop. "What?" I ask, clearly clueless.
"You called her Rosie Posey and you're still alive," Fred points out.
"It's a normal thing I've always called Rosie, Rosie Posey," I say.
"Yea but only you and Uncle Ron call her that," James points out.
"Oh shut up about it," Rosie says and I hear a pecking on the door. "The letters!" Rose beams and rushes to the window where 3 owls perch. She pushed open the window and untied the envelopes and passes them out.
"We all open on three. One...Two... Three!" Rose says and I rip mine open. I look into it and see a gleam Slytherin prefect pin.
"I'm a prefect!" I beamed and hear an echoed voice. I look up at Rose holding a Gryffindor perfect pin.
"Congratulations mate," Albus says and claps me on the back as Rose chatters away with the girls. I look down at my feet, silly of me to think she would congratulate me, she hates me.
"I know, Scorp. But maybe you'll roam the corridors together," Albus whispers.
"In my dreams," I say sarcastically and Rose comes up.
"Nice job Malfoy. McGonagall doesn't pick just anyone," Rose says and I smile.
"Er thanks. It's no shock you got picked. Not saying you are a goody two shoes because you did do that whole thing in third year-" I say and feel her boot dig into my foot. She congratulated me? It must be my lucky day.
"How about you all grab your money and we'll go shopping?" Molly asks and everyone nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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