Dearest Little Sleep

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he was as tall, big... always wearing a hoodie as if he was hiding.
He's Strong too, not fearing dead

but underneath that...He could see, that this actually weak.

"...This.." The brunet found himself outside of his home. And as his hand was about to grab the handle, his hand slips through as if he was just the air.

"HIEEEEEEEEE!! W-What-!?" He panicked, falling onto his butt before trying to calm down by digging through his memories of a rather spartan tutor.

As he raises his hand up, through the door he went passed it as if he was a ghost. And walking down the small hallway, he came into the Living room.

There is His mother and a quite dirty teen sitting on the couch.

"Have some hot drink, It's quite cold outside isn't it?" Nana said, Slowly passing the drink to the odd teen who wore a hoodie covering his looks.

"...." The teen took the cup so quietly that it seemed as if he thinks something might happen if he were to accept it.

"...Kaa-San.." The brunet muttered, his words couldn't be heard seeing that his mother didn't react to his voice.

and oddly enough, Nana looked to be pregnant. Looking as if it was going to be time that her baby is going to be born.

is that...Him? Is what his seeing, weeks or days before his birth?

"Hehe, You're a strange child...Oh! Stay here, I'm going to get some food" Nana said happily as she went to the kitchen.

He was staring blankly, just what is he seeing? A Dream?

The boy settled on the couch muttered, And as soon as He turned towards the voice.

Their Eyes made contact.

"You're not human...But not a Monster...Invincible yet not" The boy muttered glancing at him as he placed the cup down and slowly walked towards him.

somehow he found his leg rooted to the ground, As the boy comes closer, He found himself frozen on the spot. as if something made him froze.

"...I see, Dead yet not is it.." The boy whispered, standing so close to him that he can even hear his words.

so close, but still the hoodie was able to cast a strong shadow that He still can't make out who the kid is.



He muttered, surprised by the sudden spoken word of a colour. Coincidentally, Orange was his 'Colour'

Colour of the Sky Flame

"Your colour is so bright...So..warm..." The kid muttered,
"...I'm jealous"
he continued, it sounded so broken, not only that, there were hints of anger.

"Why are you here? Vongola Decimo"


The brunet heard, Suddenly as soon as he heard that sound, Everything around him turned back. And the boy has nowhere to be seen.

it was just him and the total blackness.

As he slowly reach out in the darkness,
He saw a outline of a Figure standing facing him.

that figure was holding onto something near his temple...A Gun

"Wait!" It didn't have him long to know what the figure was planning.

Oddly enough, He noticed how the person was Shivering. and as he ran closer...

he had no idea why, but he could see tear marks on the figures face before-before-*BANG!

And like before, Everything changed around him as the loud gunshot was heard.

Now everything around him was white. The figure was gone.

"..What's happening...?" He muttered, His left hand grabbing onto his right shoulder. he dislike this. The sense of Lost.

He heard a whisper, Looking around the white void he saw nothing.
....The only one would called him by that


The brunet snapped his head behind him, Where the voice seemed to come from.

and as he looked behind...

It was Maichiru floating in mid-air leaning down at him, with a smile he was so close to him-

" G a V E i T t O M E !"

The twisted emotions, Mixed in Pure Bliss and Insanity.

-And his Hands, were about to grab his throat.

Tsuna snapped out of his laying position, His body was Shivering non stop, As if he really had just experience a close encounter with death.
The brunet grab with his shoulders with his hands, forcing himself to stop the trembling.

But his Mind wasn't helping.
Despite it being a dream... He was able to see the moments clearly in his head.

He was so close to him, That he could see his own reflection in his eyes.
Before the hands were wrapped around his throat.

"...just a dream...It's only a dream" Tsuna muttered to himself.

looking on the table it was only 4am in the morning... wait...
...he slept..?

Shit! Then Who's looking after his Otuoto if it's not him!?

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