I See You

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I woke up and went to my friend's house
He Was waiting for me at the front of his door
I went in
We talked about many things
He slowly put his hand on mine
I looked at him
"Oh no I'm sorry Matt" he said
I was confused
I looked at my hand, he put his shit on my hand
He took my hand and licked the shit off
Oh no i thought
"That reminds me I have to take a shit" I said
He told me where the bathroom was
There was no bathroom
So I just did whatever I needed to do in the bath tub
I quickly went in
I pulled my pants down
And liquid shit came out
When I went to get up i saw a hole
No not a Butthole, a hole
In the wall
There was an eye looking through it
I gasp in shocked
I quickly bumped my butt to his eye making him fall back
I ran as fast as I could to the room he was in
I kicked him in the head
I ate his eyeballs and spit it back in his head eyes sockets
I almost forgot
I didn't wipe
I wiped my asshole on him
He was ruined
I pushed his lifeless body and left
I left home
Couple days later I saw the news

*Young guy Amit PillPissHole was found dead
We got no evidence on what happened"

I turned the news off....
I wonder who did that to him.

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