Mark Of War

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A/N: Thank you guys for the feedback on the last chapter. I'll be continuing the story in Third Person's P.O.V.

No Editing Done


The Mating Game

Chapter Eleven

Bailey lifted her fork to her mouth slurping down the delicious Alfredo as she watched Howl closely. Howl knew how to win her heart over as he quickly distracted her with food after delivering that deliciously seductive kiss.

Bailey had undergone plenty of challenges to be the mate to Howl and yet she wasn't sure how she was supposed to act. What were the two of them supposed to do? Where did they go from there? Could she go home to her father? She mentally face-palmed herself. Surely she wouldn't be allowed to do that, at least not just yet.

"There are a few things we need to go over before we....continue." Howl spoke up almost as though he'd been reading her thoughts. Bailey dropped her fork, giving Howl her undivided attention.

"Like?" Bailey asked.

"Our mating isn't official and until it is I won't be able to introduce you to my pack. I'm not sure exactly what your ties are within your pack if you're the future leader or not, or if your father has someone else planned to take his place. What I do know though is that once you're my mate the Black Moon Pack will be your number one priority,"

Howl was going to continue but Bailey immediately cut him off, "I am the future alpha to my pack, there is no other heir. Therefore they are my number one priority." She said firmly. Her eyes were intense as she said this, leaving no room for argument. Howl leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed the woman. He liked that she was so firm when she spoke of her pack, he liked the authority and protectiveness that overcame her as she spoke of her was attractive to say the least.

"Hmm, well then I'd just have to extend my pack territory to yours. That is, if you'd be willing to allow it once we're mated. I have no problem taking your pack under the care of the Black Moon pack and making your members my members. As you'll find out once we mate, plenty of alphas have relinquished control of their pack over to me....willingly. My pack has an abundance of resources and intelligence to help other packs thrive...we also have plenty of investments/investors in order to fund pack growth."

It came to Bailey's knowledge at that moment that Howl knew way more about her then he lead on. He obviously knew of her packs struggle, it was underlined in everything he said. She wanted to be a little irritated that he'd used his "resources" to dig up information on her. But what was she expecting? He was the all mighty and powerful Howl. He knew everything. It also came to her understanding that they were negotiating the terms of their mating, Howl was seeing if they could make things work. He had already known she was the heir to her pack but he needed her to know if she was to be the luna of the Black Moon Pack and also still have control of her home pack they'd have to join the Black Moon Pack.

"That would be ideal." Bailey finally amended. Nothing he said went against what she had already wanted for her pack. Bailey assumed that was the end of their negotiating but Howl was not done.

"Once we have completed our mating you'll be introduced to my pack. We will work out the terms of your pack joining the Black Moon Pack once your father has stepped down. Until then I'll be speaking with your father on what we can do to further growth within your pack. I don't want them joining the Black Moon Pack so severely hurt and I have no quarrels against rebuilding my mate's home pack, especially if it's what you sincerely want." Howl's gaze was just as intense as hers had been as he explained this to her. His eyes were piercing so deeply into her own she thought he might be able to see directly into her soul and this made her nervous. She realized this must have been the game face he wore when making negotiations with other packs. He sure was firm, demanding, and convincing. Bailey gulped and decided to take a sip of her water in order to get a small break from his gaze.

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