Back to the stage...

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I am dedicating this and the last chapter to FaithLakon2143 because they are an amazing person and have shown so much support by voting relentlessly and commenting. I am thankful for everything you've done and I hope you enjoy these chapter. <3


Storm's POV

'@ChelsHood – Honestly, what does he see in her? Like, I get that he was due a girlfriend but that's just desperate...' Ouch.

'@LukeysPenguin – seeing some of these comments, I finally understand why the boys hide things from us. I support you #Stashton' Too bad you're the only one.

'@C_dizzle_Hood – I'll still support them but I don't see the attraction myself...good luck @Ashton5SOS'

I am currently lying on my bed scrolling through comments, this was not what I intended to do but it's what I've been doing for the past 20 minutes. This is only the top three and there are a lot like them, although most of them are questioning Ashton's decision of having me as a girlfriend. I knew that not everyone would support us but I thought at least some would be happy for us, for his sake at least.

I don't answer as someone knocks on the door. "Hey, can I come in?" Blaine's voice interrupts the silence of my room.

I ignore him but he comes in anyway, lying on his back next to me. "Why are you crying Stormy?" He asks softly.

I raise my hand and find that my cheeks are indeed damp with tears. "It's nothing, just leave it." I whisper, my voice sounding a lot more choked than I expected.

"I can't leave it alone if this is what it's doing to you." He argues.

I lock my phone, getting up and shoving into my pocket. "I told you to leave it, if you can't do that then leave or I will."

He sits up, stubbornly waiting for me to do something. I growl before walking out, slamming the door of the bathroom and locking it behind me. I slide down to the floor as I take my phone out again.

I spend a few more minutes scrolling through more comments, the pressure I feel underneath my skin becoming a burning sensation as I try to ignore it – intensifying the longer I read.

Looking up, I spot one of the boys razors – I know that I shouldn't do it but when you feel like I do and an opportunity like this is right in front of you then you take it. I break the holder of the blades and extract them, shoving the spare ones in my make up bag.

I sigh – after so long clean from all of this, a few comments have put me straight back to square one. With tears streaming down my face, I set about destroying my hard work.


'I made a mistake and I cannot take it back.' I think as I finish bandaging my fresh cuts. 'I can't let Ash find out, this would kill him...'

After checking that there are no traces and replacing the other razor with a new one, I quietly make my way out and back to my room. I lay on my bed for a while before deciding I can't be left alone with my thoughts right now so I get up and limp my way into the living room – my leg is sore right now since I haven't taken my pain killer.

I see my boys, Blaine and Alexis in the living room. Blaine goes to say something but I ignore him and wander past everyone to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I haven't eaten yet today but I kind of lost my appetite and the boys don't seem to have noticed anyway. When I go back I curl myself into Calum's side.

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