Let Your Heart Say Something

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Yeah! Part 4!!!! This one is for all you Clone Wars fans, out there. From the moment I saw "A Mandalore Plot", I shipped Obi-Wan and Satine. It almost happened. Almost!!! I am a firm believer in these almosts. What if Obi-Wan had left the Jedi Order? What if Anakin never been his Padawan? What if along with a Duchess there had been a Duke of Mandalore?

The people of Mandalore had laid down their weapons, the civil war had ended. In the end they chose pacifism, not unlike The Duchess herself. With the war over the Jedi protectors were unnecessary, it was time for them to leave. They bowed before her throne and she looked down upon them longingly. Obi-Wan smiled but Qui-Gon looked over and scolded him with harsh glance. Obi-Wan merely shrugged. They rose from their bowed positions.

"I believe you should be going, shortly," she told them.

"Quite right, milady," the Jedi Master replied. 

The Master and Apprentice turned and started to a throne room. Once Qui-Gon was out of earshot, Satine stood up and called out, "Obi, wait!" He stopped in his tracks, his master was long gone.

"What is it, Duchess?" Obi-Wan asked, keeping his formal tone. 

"Please call me Satine," she stepped down from her throne.

"Satine, I-" he began to say.

She cut him off, "No need. Come here." He sheepishly walked forward. He stood a few paces in front of her. She stood mere inches from him and whispered, "I've noticed a lot on our travels, your actions, especially. Why did you carry me to safety from those venom mites? Why are you always at my side? Why are you always there to save me? What does your heart tell you?" she asked sincerely.

"I tells me that I love you-" he immediately covered his mouth after the statement. His ears turned bright red from embarrassment.

"Alright, just checking." She leaned forward and their lips met. That was the moment when Obi-Wan Kenobi officially left the Jedi Order. Qui-Gon had finally noticed his apprentice's absence. He peeked his head through the door and noticed Obi-Wan and The Duchess having a "moment". Obi-Wan had been a good Padawan and he lived by the Jedi Code. Well, until now. He stood on the edge of the doorway looking for Obi-Wan's reaction. Satine stepped back, smiling. Obi-Wan smiled but immediately scolded himself knowing this relationship would be impossible.

"What about the Jedi?" he asked.

"Do they really need you? You are still a Padawan, am I not correct?"

"Well technically..." he trailed off. Satine gave him an annoyed look. Obi-Wan continued, "You're right, barely a Jedi." It was true, but what did he value more, love or helping the galaxy?

It was as if she knew what he was thinking. "Before you start asking yourself those silly questions, you should think of what you can do here. Some help would be appreciated." 

"It's wonderful, truly, but I need some time to think about it," he started running down the hall. "Master! I have a question!!" He kept running down the long hallway. "Master Qui-Gon! Wait! Master, I have a question! Master-" he stopped, seeing his master casually leaning in the doorway.

"Where have you been?" he asked, though he knew the answer.

"I was-uh-inside... yeah," Obi-Wan answered nervously.

"You seem nervous. I can sense your distress. What's wrong?"

"Well, uh... how would a Padawan leave the Jedi Order?"

"You're not suggesting?"

"You're right, I'm not suggesting. I'm leaving the Jedi Order."

"You finally got the Duchess to like you, haven't you?"


"Don't think I didn't notice. I can sense these things. I felt a great disturbance in the Force. I'll see to it that Council knows of your decision. You just might get your wish."

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