That's Not the Reaction I Was Going For

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A battle raged on Cloud City. Lando had betrayed Han and their friends in the sky. Luke Skywalker was a fighter pilot, but now he was a Jedi. He dueled with Vader alone in the bowels of the sky station. The duel continued, its fate undecided. Yoda had taught him well, telling him, "Do or do not, there is no try," Yet, his father was still a mystery. He had his ideas about him, trying to narrow the possibilities down to a few suspects, with no success. Vader had forced him out onto a platform barely hanging over a cavernous room in the center of the station. Vader stopped by brandishing his lightsaber and started monologuing.

"Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father," he told him in his monotonous robotic voice.

"He told me enough, he told me my father turned to the dark side,"

Vader paused and Luke remember Obi-Wan had told him, "While you look for your father, he may find you first." He had tried to make his way in the galaxy, but Vader had always found him. Was Vader his father? He had a lightsaber meaning he probably was a Jedi. It was that simple.

"Luke, I am your father,"

"I know," Luke replied, quite happy with his quick deduction. Vader paused and Luke could tell that surprised him.

"Wait, how'd you know that? Vader asked, confused.

"Obi-Wan said that my father was a Jedi who turned to the dark side, you're pretty much the only one," he answered, confidently.

"Oh... Well, together we can rule the galaxy as father and son," Luke looked down at the circular vastness and an exit towards the center that was open. Before Vader could say anything more, he jumped off the outcropping, fell down through the chamber into the tube, and grabbed the Satellite Dish hanging off the bottom. He waited to be picked up by the Falcon, finally with the knowledge that Vader was indeed his father.

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