Oh my go- i mean Satan!

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You went through and you went to heaven,with hundreds of devils behind you. You all suddenly had cloud shoes. You killed tons of angels with the laser pointer, which cut through them. If they got too close, you stabbed them. Easily, you got through them and along with your devil army got to a bunker named "safe room". Satan used black magic to pull open the doors, and entered the room. You heard fighting, and after a while, a scream. Satan came out, dragging a bag.

-Don't worry... i GOD this. Hah! Get it?

Nobody laughed. A devil flew through the air and everyone started fake laughing.

Back at hell, you and Satan opened the bag into a deep, deep hole.

-That's a hole to a portal, wich teletransports you up there.

He pointed at the roof, and another portal was there. This meant an infinite loop...

-Wait. Your back.

He looked suprised, and when you touched your back, you felt... wings! You were a Demon, not a Devil! You followed (flying) Satan to a trapdoor in the roof of Hell. Inside, there was a weird room, with a book in a pillar. The book was titled "Aut, bi ane". He opened it, and gave it to you.

-Read it.

-I have been cursed by the king. I will now act as a Demon, and -the next bit was scribbled off, and written in handwriting, it said- i will now use black magic.

-It used to say "not use black magic unless given permission", but that's boring. Now, try lifting the book off your hand.


-Just imagine the book moves up!

You imagined the book going 50 centimeters off your hands... And it happened! You could make the book fly like a pl-

-Okay, we can play with toy planes later. Now we have work to do, and plans to show you.

The magic stopped working, as it floated back to the pillar.

-I have a little trick: Extending your hand towards it is more effective, but you still have to do the imagining thing. Anyways, i must show you my plans.

He touched you with one finger and teleported to a closed room with you. The room had a GIGANTIC map on it, that showed the whole galaxy. It all was full of red crosses, except for one dot. Satan went there and crossed it. Besides the map, there was a smaller map. It had the whole solar sistem, but with no Pluto(You knew why). All planets were crossed out, except for Uranus And Earth(Earth had a green cross on it).

-Next objective: Uranus. There are the last remaining life on the human dimension, except for Earth, of course. Now, if you would like to...

He pointed at a gigantic screen, showing the same map, but all the planets had some weird thing. For example, jupiter had a gigantic space-octopus eating it. And below this screen, was a bunch of buttons, all used. The only one left was one with a nuclear simbol on it.

-Before you press the button, put these on.

He handed you ear plugs, you put them on, and pressed the buton. After three seconds, uranus exploded into a million pieces. Satan pulled the ear plugs off, and said:

-With that, it's the human dimension gone. Other dimensions, here we go!

When you entered the weird room full of lights and buttons, you felt a weird sensation. Had Satan started to be your... your... friend?

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