The Manipulation Dimension

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You got to a weird dock, that was connected to a spaceship floating in infinite white. Satan guided you in, and inside, there was 3 rooms directly in front of you, 2 with doors and in front of you a hallway with more doors and the bridge. It was manned with devils.

-Your room is #2 in the hallway. Mine is the one that says "Satan". We will be in here for a while. Oh, and avoid entering the door on the right. I'ts dangerous. And explosive. Anyways, go to you room if you want. I will go pilot the ship.

You walked over to your room and entered, to find a bed and a table with a chair. The table had a laptop with a bunch of programs, and in the center of the desktop, a program called "HellMsg.exe". You clicked it and saw that you had a connection to most important people in hell, including important soldiers and Satan. There was also an internet screen called "Hellxplorer", that led to an internet browser colored in red.

You used said laptop for a while, until Satan suddenly entered the room. He looked at you and said:

-Having fun? Because we are already there. And i need your help.

He guided you down the corridor, and showed you a door. A very heavily  armed door. He told you:

-Look. This place is very heavily protected, full of security cameras and traps. You just have to think of happiness and "enjoy" the place. And, most importantly, do not stare directly for too long at any screens. Once you get to a big building with a screen on it, plant this on it. -Satan gave you a dark red box that felt like warm metal with a red button on it- Then, come running back here as fast as you can. The alarms will be set off. Any questions?

-Why can't you do it?

-I'm incapable of being happy about that place and the traps would brainwash me into a mindless soldier. GOODBYE!

Satan opemed the door and pushed you out, along with the box. You looked up, and saw nothing. Weird... anyways, you walked on towards the big building with a screen on it, you could see it from far away. On your walk, you saw various animals walking around. All smiling and singing together, very happy. Every time you saw a screen, you would see a man talking to you, with weird flashes from now and then... Eventually, you confronted a big pit, extending as far as you could see and too wide to jump.

You saw a very small and old bridge, but the second you touched the side it fell down into the dark abyss below. After about 30 seconds, you heard a "boom" from the floor. It was pretty deep. You tried to fly over it, but a forcefield appeared and blocked you. You walked around it for a long time, until you eventually found a way to go around it. You looked up, and you saw the big building, towering over you. You continued your walk, noticing less animals here. The atmosphere got dark and silent. You planned your way back for when you had to run away. When you got there, there was a knight with pink armour. It looked at you and talked.

-Well hello, visitor! How are you doing today?

-Great, friend! This place sure is... lovely!

-Well go on ahead, if you want to!

-Okay! Um... thanks!

You walked on, and saw that the place had a locked door in front. You looked back, and noticing that the guards weren't looking, you stuck the bomb to the door, and the pressed the big red button on it. A screen popped up, and it said "DNB planted. Explosion in 100. 99."

You ran as fast as wind, without looking back. You went right past the canyon, and heard the guards fall down it. Back at the place full of animals, they were all panicking. You saw Satans ship appear out of nowhere in front of you, with a ladder on it. You jumped on, and flew away at inimaginable speeds. Inside the ship, you heard "5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Then, only static was heard, and you looked out a window in the door. It was very small, but you could see the big explosion. The dimension was blown to shreds in the biggest explosion you had ever witnessed. Satan said:

-Yes! Mission 6 Sector 5 complete! Thats one less dimension to care about!

You thought of all the animals that lived there. From dogs to cows, from humans to birds. All co-existing...

-And now co-exploding. Hah!

You were startled by Satan's apparent mind reading.

-Wait, what the...

-Yup, this place has mind reading dispositives. Better not think about anything bad, right? Ha ha.

You went back to your room. Back there, a phone had randomly appeared on your desk. You picked it up and turned it on. It said "Council Property" on the screen, with a white background. Then, it changed to a black background with the usual apps, but with one that interested you the most. "Maps & Planning". You opened it, and before you got to see anything, Satan burst through the door and the phone flew out of your hands and into Satan's.

-That's mine thank you.

He then went back out the door. How very interesting... You continued using the computer, and opened up internet. You found a bunch of rules from some "Rulebook", and found a couple more unnecessary things, like "Stories about how i got put in jail".

Then, you got a message from Satan on the messaging program. It said:

"Next stop: A Globi dimension. This won't be easy"

You read it and answered rather boringly.


This seemed bad for everyone. But not for you and Satan, of course. You were winning this war.

Let's just hope Satan doesn't go too much to the north.

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