Chapter One: Where to begin

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   *Very unedited*

    The Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson, they have been called a once in a generation tag team. The greatest tag team in the world today. But to me they are just my brothers.
   Who am I you may be asking, my name is Madison Massie. I am the younger sister to the world famous tag team the Young Bucks. I'm 24 years old and I learned how to wrestle at age 12 thanks to my big brother Matt who would come home and reteach everything he had just learned at class. My brother Nick was a natural and picked it up easily, it took me a lot of practice but the boys never gave up on me. We practiced in the ring our father made for us and we even started are own backyard wrestling company and we actually got good crowds.
     When I was 16 I heard that there was a wrestling school in California that was ran by NJPW. But the thing was you had to be invited to go. So I begin to work harder then ever before and a year later that hard worked payed off because Gedo the new booker for New Japan was over in the states and happened to see one of my matches with PAC (aka Neville). After the match Gedo pulled me to the side and ask, why did I choose to wrestle men. I answered that I've always been more interested in the fast paced style that the men have plus I had a goal to wrestle for New Japan Pro Wrestling and be apart of Best of the Super Juniors tournament. Gedo smiled when I told him that. He asked if I knew who he was and I nodded my head. "You're Gedo you wrestle for New Japan" I said. "I book talent too" he replied with a smile. He invited me to come train at the dojo with him the next day.
   There he offered me a chance in a life time. He said that I would train here in America until I turned 18 then I would go and train in the dojo in Japan.
    Fast forward some years and it turned out that day Gedo saw something in me and knew I could be something special. Gedo became like a second father to me in the time I spent training in Japan. I became part of the family and I fell in love with the Japanese culture.
    I gained a lot of respect from the Japanese audience after my first match. They didn't know what to think at first and after a little over a month they accept me as one of their own. I became the New Japan darling.

But let's start the story at a more interesting part. Let's start this story in 2012 the year I started wrestling for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla again...

Bullet Club (NJPW, ROH, Young Bucks, Adam Cole) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now