Surviving Summer( Things change)

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Can you forgive someone for your mistakes?

Six years Ago…………

“I Hate you Joseph Johnston, you change everything between us!” screamed ten year old, Jazolynn at her former best friend. “Jazolynn I’m sorry but I have really want to moved with my dad and finally get that father and son relationship, even if it means losing—you” Joseph said exhaustedly while packaging his things.

Jazolynn couldn’t help but stare at those blue intensifying eyes as Joseph looked at her. She never saw so much hate. Why should I always bow down to your every need and want huh? It’s always about you, but not this time” Joseph said storming out his old room and into his father’s shinning limousine. Jazolynn stood frozen in his old room looking at the window, waiting for him to look back one last time. Joseph never even stopped, but instead hopped in the limo.

Jazolynn tears never stopped falling from her cheeks, as she watched her Josey leave her forever. She swore she will always hate him for as long as she lives. The naïve, shy little girl was gone forever.

Six years Later……….

“I can’t believe you once knew the now wealthy Joseph Johnston” screamed my eager best friend Mani. She could never get over the little fact that my childhood life was once intertwined with the “sex god” of today’s teenager world. “Uggh I don’t see why it’s a big deal” I tried to say nonchalantly. Mani and I had been friends ever since the first day of junior high.We are extremely different from each other, by looks, taste, and brains.

Mani was a barely 5’4 and has been for the last four years I’ve known her. I on the other hand was at least 5’8, which certainly was not a good thing on my part. Mani never had to worry about being able to hover over the most gorgeous guys at Sea Crest High School. Mani was known around campus as the “cute short blue-eyed Blondie”, she could easily get any guy she wanted. Her Strawberry blonde hair hanging long down her back with a sensible streak of violet at the tips, her skinny fair body was also an advantage; even her perky little teeth made anyone want to smile.

Many girls envy her qualities. Let’s not also forget her silly little girl attitude where she only believe in true love, rainbows, and happiness. That’s why we are besties, because she’s everything I couldn’t be. I had fairly dark curly hair with pink streaks at the roots; my lips are faintly pink as if I was left outside for a night freezing. My tan was the one of the things that made me look like a badass, compared to others chicks I was.

My body was what dumb jocks would call exotic looking, yes I am known as the sexy badass at the school. My bark was bad and my bite was worse than many by miles. My bitchy attitude only heighten everybody to hate me, and that’s exactly what I wanted. “Lynn! Hello earth to Lynn” Mani practically yelled. “I was listening Mani, god you want me to be deaf” I said angrily. “I’m sorry but you seemed out of it” Mani said quietly. I could never stay mad at her for anything. “So what were you saying” I said slyly. She smiled a knowing smile “I said have you seen the new guy? He is from here but nobody knows him” said Mani strangely. I knew for a fact that nobody ever moved from Sea Hill since since…..him. I finally convince myself that it couldn’t be him; he was mostly likely hanging with his celebrity girlfriends and having fancy dinners.

“I can’t wait to get to Mr. James class and see if our kite is actually going to fly” I said quickly to avoid any suspicion. “Umm yeah come on” said Mani unfazed. We have Mr. James class first period this semester, which is cool, but it’s on the opposite side of the school. I don’t know why our school haves to be the best prep school in the district. If you ask me, it should be the delinquent school of the filthy rich. We had graffiti on buildings, fights between Barbie’s and Kent’s, parties in dorms and everything. The only reason why nobody ever hears of these continuing “accidents” was because of rich, no caring parent’s money. Finally about 10 minutes of walking, we finally made it to class. “Hey Mani and Jani” said Mr. James dramatically. I do not understand why he calls me Jani; I mean he knows my name—whatever. Hold up why is everybody in their seats with bored expression? I thought while looking around. Then BANG my eyes landing on the clock on the wall. Shit we’re late again I finally thought to myself. “Hey!”Mani and I said. “Since you two seen to insist on being minutes late for my class I will see you too in Saturday academy. Then I a door open behind me. “Sir, I’m new here, well I’m not exactly”---- I didn’t catch the rest of the stranger behind, because at that time my heart dropped. That is the voice that haunts me in my dreams and my memories, I quickly prayed to the king of Buddha to please let this voice belong to just another new senior. Telling from Mani’s OMG’s, that this is exactly who it is. Joseph Johnston.  I quickly turned my “B-mode” on; I suddenly turned around and lash at

“Well if it isn’t Rich ass, came back crawling to the town you tried so hard to get away from?” I know these words may seemed as though I was feeling hatred and disgusted towards him, but my heart quickened just at the look at him.     

My mouth instantly dropped but I quickly covered it up. He was amazing…still. I should tell you his looks so we BOTH can drool over him. He hair has taken a color of dark brown, his blue eyes still a deep ocean blue, a muscular build to have any girl staring,, and he stood in front of me in a dark red Hollister cut off hoodie, and I saw exactly what has been blasted on every teen magazine, his new sleeve tattoo,  a scripture Isaiah 41:10 

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