Part 7

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Owen felt better on Friday morning than he'd felt in weeks. He had to hold himself back from smiling.

Because, well, smiling wasn't part of his usual routine.

Victor had given him the keys to the beach house first thing this morning and Gabriel had brought a suitcase for Sang, which was already stashed in his trunk. He had made sure she had a few things in her book bag since she'd be going home with Owen after school and they weren't leaving for the beach until later tonight... or first thing tomorrow morning. He couldn't help but think they both might be in need of a good night's sleep before heading to the house.

He was sorely tempted to write her out of classes the rest of the day after her violin lesson.

Because, wouldn't that be appropriate? To take her out of school mid-day and just disappear with her.

Owen snorted softly. "Actually it's not a bad idea..." He murmured.

"What's not a bad idea?" Sean asked, suddenly materializing in their office and startling Owen.

Owen blinked at him. "I see you finally got over knocking on your own office door." He said dryly, setting down his coffee cup and using a paper towel to blot the coffee that had spilled on his tie.

"Well, you always point out that it's my office too." Sean shrugged. "What's not a bad idea?"

Owen shrugged. "Signing Sang out of her afternoon classes and taking off."

Sean considered the idea. "I don't have anything planned in my class and the boys could turn in her homework." He said.

Owen pursed his lips. "I guess we could have an appointment called in and get her excused..." He said. "I was just going to do it under the cover of an Academy assignment but maybe we don't have to burn that excuse..."

Sean smiled. "Oh, look at you. You're being so normal for a 20 year old." He teased. "Getting your girlfriend to cut classes and run away with you..." He chuckled. "Owen, I couldn't be more proud of you today than I've ever been. Even the day that I got you to eat 4 Milky Way candy bars."

"I was so sick that day." Owen scowled at him.

"Well, I only wanted you to eat one but oh no, you had to outdo me and eat 4."

"Maybe if you also would have only eaten one instead of 3..." Owen arched an eyebrow at him.

"You were an uptight 10 year old." Sean said. "To be honest, today is the first time in the 10 years I've known you that I've seen you this relaxed. Did you sleep well?"

Owen shrugged. "Took a pill." He admitted. "I'm hoping being away will be relaxing and both of us can manage 8 hours of sleep a night."

Sean chuckled. "That's the spirit, Owen. I'm glad to see that you've got a plan that makes you happy."

Owen rolled his eyes at him. "You don't think it's going to be a problem if we take off before school ends?"

Sean shook his head. "Check with her that she doesn't have any tests, get her homework to the boys and I'll excuse her from gym class." He said. "Shouldn't be a problem at all but at the same time, if it's easier to just excuse her for an Academy reason then we can do that too."

"I will check with her." Owen nodded. "I'd hate to keep her from a test or a class that she really wants to go to but she's got coverage... the boys will take notes and let her know what's due." He said. "I mean to learn from any mistakes." He ran his hand over the back of his head. "She thought I didn't like her." He admitted in a pained tone.

Sean looked startled. "What?"

Owen nodded. "I've been closing myself off from her to make sure that nothing could be misconstrued as inappropriate." He said. "She picked up on it, of course because she is the most instinctive person I've known."

"Other than yourself and Victor." Sean said.

"Thank you." Owen said. "But clearly when it comes to her, I'm not as instinctive as I should be."

Sean put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. You can just admit it..." He said, earning himself a look and raised eyebrow. "You're blinded by the beauty and honesty that is Pookie." He said seriously. "It has the ability to block the instincts. To be honest, you've always been a little over the top in your demands for what had to be done with protecting her, no matter what she thought." He smiled slightly. "It's actually very enjoyable for me to watch when she puts her foot down at you. Like when she insisted on going home again after the shower thing. I don't know that anyone else but her could get away with doing that. Kota tries but at some point, you do manage to usually overrule him."

"There's no need to make her unhappy. If you recall, I let her go home but we wired that place up with cameras and at that point, she was never staying there alone."

"True. You had your own spin on it but she was a fierce pixie to watch." Sean smiled.

"Okay..." Owen rolled his eyes. "Time to get on with the school day." He pulled out his phone. "But first..."

"Taking a selfie?" Sean teased.

"No... texting Miss Sorenson about the possible change in our plans." Owen grinned, moving to his desk, already texting Sang to find out if she had any tests this afternoon.

Tears stream down your face

I promise you I will learn from mistakes

Tears stream down your face

And I ......

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