Chapter One

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As I wait there by the front gates of my school for my girlfriend Rosemary I've noticed a couple fighting at the near by bike racks. They were arguing about why he hasn't taken her out on a date or buying that new clothing line that just came out. Talk about being needy or expensive as hell. Now think back at it I shouldn't be talking since I myself haven't taking my dearest Rosemary out on a date at all these past months. "Huh...maybe I'll ask her when we are walking home" I said out loud without realizing.

Anxiously waiting I looked down to see what time it was. I began to move my leather jacket cuff out of the way to read my watch. "Wow it's this late already. What can she possibly be activities should be long done already. I mean look at the time it's already 7:30pm" I said  to myself aggravated as I waited five more minutes. Suddenly a group of friends walk by and pointing out that I was the kid that passed out. Sadly even with my ear buds on I can still hear them as if they were in front of my face or literally screaming with all their might in my ear. All I did was stared like the loser I am as they mock me and laugh to their hearts content. I was mad...scratch that it was more of the anger of a demonic being. I said as I looked at my watch once more. "Oh shit it's 7:50pm now. Hahaha, I must've lost track of time silly me. Well I better get going to her club....surprising her in front of her friends doesn't sound like a bad deal"

I rushed all the way to the east gate of the school to enter the gymnasium. "Looks like the whole Girls Volleyball Team went home already. Huh weird Rosemary isn't around, I'll try calling her cell then" I called and called over and over again. I've done this several times but still no answer. Then I hear a familiar but faintest voice from the gymnasiums storage room closet.

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