I Told Him

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Christmas is fast approaching. It’s the 15th of December already. I didn’t know what has gotten in to me when I bought this journal. To be honest, I don’t write much, except when I copy notes in class, but aside from that, I left my ‘journalism career’ behind. But, I miss writing and I’ve got a lot of random things in my mind to write. Maybe that’s why I got this journal. I don’t write in it every day ‘cause sometimes I’m just lazy or sometimes nothing worth writing happens... like today… Or so I say. I have to leave now… See you later at school! (Yes, I’m talking to my journal. I’ve gone crazy)

“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!”

It’s so relaxing to hear Christmas songs playing at the LRT instead of nothing. You can really feel that it’s almost Christmas. :) It is also a nice commute for me this day, no hassle at the LRT and I got to school still clean and fresh, instead of all sweaty and haggard. I arrive a little early, as usual.

Time for Communications class. I don’t quite like this class so I’ll continue writing here (yeah, badass LOL). The other groups present their proposals and I notice that even our professor is not listening. After the reports, he even asks questions that were somehow unrelated. Oh, well. That is all we’ve done in class. I’m not the texting-friends-playing-games-surfing-the-internet kinda student, but I’m the write-and-doodle-a-lot person. Check the back of my notebook fillers and yellow papers to see what I’m talking about. :)) In the next class, we are just reminded of our deadlines and we did whatever we want.

My journal’s not getting any better so I’ll introduce my, uh… hmmm… my crush? Haha! He looks sad today. The thing is, if you ask him, he’ll just say that it’s nothing. So, don’t bother asking. :))) He’s part of the barkada but there was no awkwardness around us, even with the fact that he knows that I like him.

Yes, he knows. I know, I know… What the hell am I doing… :)))) I don’t really know. But, it’s just me. I always tell my crushes that I like them… even worse/better (you pick), that I love them (if I really do). How’d I tell him?


It was our PE class, practical test. I was supposed to tell him at that time but things went the other way. So, I just told him while we were texting that night.

*end of flashback*

That was two months ago… I think. I don’t know what happened the next few days but there were no talking-about-it time and no awkwardness. Just the usual, but somehow… There’s something...

~ Something that gave away nothing and at the same time, everything.

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