Saved by the bell!

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Aleks’ POV

All three of us were left standing there outside the Creature House, both James and Eddie looking at me with those cheeky smiles, but I didn’t see them, all I could see was Katie, walking back to her house. Wow.

When I saw her flinging herself at James back at the coffee shop, just the fact that she was a girl kind of made me jealous of him. But that was before I got a good look at her. She was gorgeous, with that auburn hair and that beanie and that coat and those EYES. Those beautiful, sparkling green eyes. She was breathtaking. Her smile was enough to light up the whole room. Her laugh was enough to make even the saddest of people smile. She was that amazing. And coupled with the fact that she was a gamer AND youtuber, it’s just ridiculous how awesome she is.

The whole meeting with her was great, if you count out all the ‘smooth’ moments I had with her. I take one look at the guys’ faces and I know that they know exactly what I’m thinking.

“Don’t even think about it.” I say, walking into the house, Sly and Nova close behind. Kevin sees me, takes one look at my face and asks:

“Who is it?”

James and Eddie burst out laughing. Am I really that easy to read?

“The new neighbour. She’s cute and a gamer and a youtuber. Oh, and she’s James’ long time best friend that he hasn’t seen in years but is somehow still as close as ever with.” Eddie explains.

Speaking of youtuber, I have to check out her channel! I leave under the teasing of James, Eddie, and now Kevin, and go to my room. I hear Kevin behind me:

“We should invite her to the next game night! I really want to meet her!”


Wow. Just wow. This girl is hilarious! And good! AT VIDEOGAMES! Okay, I have got to calm down. She’s just a girl. A really, really amazing girl. Man, if Sly could hear my thoughts, he would totally be fangirling right now. God, how cheesy can I get? Speak of the devil, he walks in and grabs my shoulders.

“I believe SOMEONE has a crush!”

I sigh. Not this now.

“I’m so proud of you! You’ve been single for so long, it was bumming me out! Good choice too! She’s gorgeous and a youtuber!” He looks at my computer. “You’ve been doing some research I see. Is she good?”

I sigh.

“She’s great… And she’s not my crush… I barely know her.”

Eddie just looks at me with that ‘You-know-I’m-Right’ look on his face. God, he can be so weird sometimes. He stops when we hear the familiar Skype call sound. I look to see who it is and it’s Katie. Sly sees this and turns out of the room saying with a goofy smile:

“Ima leave you two lovebirds alone now”

 I roll my eyes and answer the call.

Katie’s POV

Why did I call him?! I shouldn’t have done this. But I wanted to play BattleBlock with him. But I literally just met him. Oh fuck, I gotta cancel the ca-



“Uh… Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to record some BattleBlock with me? It’s Katie by the way.”


We played for the next four hours together. He was really cool and awesome. I laughed so much with him. He sounded like he had fun too. I felt like I could really be myself with him. It was nice. After I quit the call, I spent a few minutes just staring at my screen with a goofy grin plastered on my face thinking about what happened today. I still can’t believe it! I live right next to James and his friends who seem really nice.

I have a feeling I’m going to like living here.

“Whatcha doing Lizzy?” my brother asks me. He calls me that because when I was little, he started calling me lizard to tease me but I liked it because they were my favorite animals. It just kind of stuck and morphed over the years.

“Nothing, Willy. You hungry? I feeling up for pizza tonight, you?” I call him Willy but his real name is William. I think of it as a sisterly thing.

“Sure. I’ll get the ingredients.”

Yes, I make everything from scratch when I feel like it. I love cooking; especially desserts because you can lick the bowl clean after. This makes my brother especially happy because he gets a home-cooked meal pretty much every day.

Once the pizza was in the oven, we start talking and asking each other about our day. We are pretty nice to each other, considering we are siblings. He’s been really protective of me since my horrible break-up with that jerk that cheated on me. He looks pretty much like an attractive male version of me… Well, a big version. I’m pretty small compared to him, even with my heels. He’s really strong and sometimes, when he wants to wake me up, he picks me up and keeps throwing me into moderately soft places, like our couch or our super thick rug until I wake up. Worst. Wake-up. Ever.

“Hey, you’ll never guess who I ran into today.”



“What!? No way!”

“Oh yes way! And guess what.”



“What?! I’m so happy for you Lizzy; I know how much you missed him. Is that who you were recording with earlier?”

I blush. “Um no, that was his friend Aleks… I just met him and he gave me his skype soooo… Yeah.”

He looks at me funny but I end the conversation by going into my room before he could object my spending the whole afternoon with some guy I barely know. I could here him stomping after me when I heard it.

Ding! Pizza’s ready! 

Saved by the bell!

Coffee Shop (An ImmortalHD Fanfiction, Includes other Creatures)Where stories live. Discover now