Game night!

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Katie’s POV

The Next Day

It was evening and I was about to start recording, but a knock on the door stopped me. I open it and see James standing there.

“Hey James!”

“Hey Katie! We were having a Creature Game Night and we were wondering if you wanted to join us. A few of the guys want to meet you too.”

“Oh, sure! Can I bring something to eat, though?”

“Sure! As long as it’s good, everybody should stuff their faces in it.” he says with a laugh.

“Okay then! Give me five minutes!”

“Can I come in?” he asks and I open the door wider for him to come through.

He barely steps in only to be lifted into a huge bear-hug by my brother.

“It’s been a while dear James! Still not hitting on my sister?” I facepalm in embarrassment at my brother’s priorities while James simply shakes his head ‘no’ while laughing.

“Good! Glad to have you back around, then.” he finishes with a chuckle.

"You really haven't changed." James says with a smile, apparenlty happy to be reaccepted into our little family. He suddenly turns uncomfortable and I realize that Willy is still holding him in the air.

“Willy, let go of him. James, get your ass over here so I can start my deliciousness” I say as I head into the kitchen to get my ingredients. I’m going to make some s’mores dip. I usually call it deliciousness because, well, it’s delicious and really sweet.

I grab some marshmallows, chocolate chips and some milk and pour them into a bowl that I put in the microwave then I mix it, pour more marshmallows on top and stick it in the already super hot oven until the marshmallows are melted and golden. I pull it out and walk over to the cupboard with the graham crackers.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said five minutes!” says James as I walk over to him with my creation and the cookies. He was staring greedily at the dip. As soon as I reach him, he tries to grab it, but I pull it away.

“James! Leave it alone until we get there! It’s literally next door for god’s sake!”

He chuckles and walks ahead to open the door for me.


He leads me to a big room with eight guys sitting on comfortable-looking sofas. He starts introducing them to me as Kevin, Jordan, Nick, Seamus, Dan, and Steven. I’d already recognized Eddie and Aleks. After the introductions, everyone seems to suddenly notice the bowl and cookies I was carrying.

“What is that?” asks Jordan, looking greedily at the bowl.

“S’mores dip.” I say with a cheeky smile, seeing his obvious interest. “Want first taste?”

He jumps up, grabs a cookie and dips it before eating it in one bite. After swallowing, he smiles brightly.

“This is great! You are accepted! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!”

After that we played Just Dance 4 on the kinect. I kept owning them before James got in front of the camera, blocking me and screwing me up. I push him out of the way.

“SABOTAGE! BUT HA I’M STILL WINNING!”  I yell as I start dancing again. That statement was actually true until I got grabbed from behind and hauled up on someone’s shoulder. I gasp in surprise as I hear Eddie giggle from somewhere behind me. Assuming he’s the one carrying me, I start screaming.

“EDDIE NOOOOOOOO! Y U DO DIS!? I was just kicking your ASS in a dance game!” I laugh. I let out a squeal of surprise as I am thrown down onto a bed. Aleks, who was previously hauling me, takes one look at my squinting eyes and runs away laughing with me running after him.

“YOU’RE GONNA GET IT NOW ALEKS!” I yell, laughing despite my apparent threat. We run around the house for a bit until I finally manage to tackle him to the ground. I hear laughing from beside me and at first I think that the guys are laughing at someone failing to dance in front of the TV. Boy was I wrong.

“Wow, Aleks, you really are a chick magnet.” I hear James tease.

That’s when I realized the VERY compromising position I was in. I was straddling the hips of a suddenly very flustered and blushing Aleks. I jump off him as quick as I can, but that doesn’t save me from the blush creeping up to my face rapidly. Aleks just stays there on the floor red as a tomato under the teasing of his friends. I reach down to him to help him up. He grabs my hand and mutters a quick thank you. Since everyone was apparently done playing for today, instead choosing to tease Aleks, now reduced to a hostile, blushing mess, I decided to leave. I went to grab my now empty dip bowl but a hand stopped me. I look up to see Eddie looking down at me with a smirk.

“Trying to leave without saying goodbye are we?”

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