I thought rowdies couldnt get sick

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Buttercups POV
I can't believe this whole time butch liked me but we can't tell Momoko,Miyako,or Boomer and Brick cause they would flip I guess you'd expect us to be the last to be together cause we the main ones fighting we couldn't show love cause were not the lovey dovey type.i guess that's how his our feelings for each other guess we need to do just that if we want to keep our love a secret.I was at my locker getting my books for the next class cause I spent most of it making out with so and so.Then I felt a pair if strong arms wrap around me I was about to punch whoever it was but when I turned around it was butch I looked into his gorgeous forest green eyes and said"I hate you""what why"he said as he pulled me away from my locker"butch I need to get my books*achoo*""no"he said smirking"ugggghh you're so lucky you cute"I said"so you think I'm cute"he said grinning"no that's not what I meant"I said blushing"so what do you mean."he said"oh shut up"I said as I shut him up with my lips his lips were so soft I pulled after a few seconds"ooo apple flavor and you're lips are so soft"he said"yours are too now*achoo*""what was that babe"he said smiling"shut up"I said"how would you feel if you were sick"I said angry"hey you're turning red"he said"ya think"I said calming down"besides rowdies don't*achoo*""rowdies don't what butchie"u said smirking"what are you smiling about"he said"cause you said*laughs*rowdies don't get sick"I said"they don't"he said"oh yeah we'll just see about that"I said as I touched his forehead of course it was warm"knew it"I said happily knowing I was right."so how are we going to make this work*achoo*"he said"aww is butchie feeling sickie wickie"I said teasingly I kept laughing an I suddenly stopped with the laughing cause butch was redder than I was when I was red guess I went to far"BC!!!!!"oh no he's mad I started running I saw him close behind me then I wasn't looking where I was going and tripped shit I fell and saw butch smiling I felt scared sike when does powered buttercup get scared I tried to get up and run butch pulled my arm and looked at me angry"BC why'd you run away you scared"he said smiling"n-no"I said "you know that I'm faster and I can outrun you and that was very clumsy of you to fall"he said"are you mad at me"I said nervous at what he would say"yes"he said"why"I asked"cause you laughed at me I didn't laugh at you when you told me how you got sick"he said he has a point and he looked at me with disappointed eyes BC you know what you gotta do I grabbed his collar"kaoru what are you doing"he asked I didn't respond cause I pulled him closer and kissed him I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed back guess he's not mad I pulled away after a few minutes and asked if he was mad he said no then the bell I was glad we made up glad we did before class cause I love butch.

Hey guys it's mar mar yay what did you think thanks for commenting and reading

BC and Butch:*achoo*

Blossom and Brick:Butch how'd did you get sick and you too BC

BC and Butch:.......I don't know

Bubbles and Boomer:yes you do

Ppgz and rrbz(except BC and Butch):tell us

Me:don't worry y'all will find out in the next chap can't wait it will be posted tomorrow cause I don't what the date is but I'm already started with it

BC and Butch:*achoo*see y'all later

Bubbles,boomer,blossom,brick:we want to know how they got sick

Me:next chap I'll let BC and her butchie boy do the honors

BC and Butch:Byez readers stay tuned

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