Chapter 4

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~Love's POV

  Wow dad i finally make a friend and ya gotta be a stalker because he's a dude.

I better warn him.

"Heeeyyy. You see that stalker in my window?"i say laughing awkwardly.

"Dad?"he asks slight worry in his voice.

"Yep...don't be threatened by him once you get to know him he's a giant weirdo, runs in the family"I laugh staring back at my dad.

"S-should i say anything?" he asks getting a nervous blush.

  He looks down hiding his face. "Dont worry yourself, you can just go home if needed" i smile at his head, which continues to look down.

  He looks up and puts a brave face on with a warming smile and says "Thank you, but ill get through it"

  I return the smile."Ohhhh if he talks to you or asks you something then respond WITH CORRECT GRAMMAR" i say warning him. "I made that mistake once and never again" i mumbled as the front door swings open vigorously.

"Hi sweety you have to get inside, NOW. I just heard on the news that there's a murderer on this street" he's staring at Nolan the whole time which Nolan so happens to be blushing he's tying to hide it by looking tough and not scared...which just makes him look like he ate a really hot pepper. "Ohhh I'm sorry you can't come inside we have a very very sick....uuhh...hamster...BYE" he says to Nolan, trying to throw pity in the midst of his eyes.

"Dad we don't even have a hamster" I say staring at my dad. While he's just staring at Nolan and into his soul.

"Ohhh...yaaaa....uuuhhh...well i got one...and ....he's very very rip off" He says waving his hand.

"Dad there is no deformed!..." He cuts me off.

"He's sick" He says looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"There is no sick hamster or murder!" i say as my voice rises with my temper.

"Hey Nolan would you like to stay for dinner?" I ask looking over to him, I can feel my dad shooting daggers at me and Nolan from behind me.

"B-b-but the ham..." i cut Nolan off...seriously? Does he seriously believe there's a sick hamster?

"I never..." My dad tries to but in.

"Do YOU live here NO! I'll go ask pap and auntie" I tell my dad. I walk through the front door without my Dad following behind. Then I go back and get my dad so Nolan doesn't run away half scared to death. (hey it can happen wouldn't you be scared if your only friend's dad is trying to steal your soul. Ya i thought so) "We'll be right back Nolan, sorry, trust me you'll thank me later." I close the door behind Nolan and give my dad a 'mad seriously he's just a friend look' but I'm not successful due to my red face. We walk away from Nolan into the dining room.

"What!?" He ask, trying to sound innocent, but failing miserably.

"Ohhh you know" I say. "Hey pa can a friend stay for dinner?" I ask turning towards the kitchen and looking at pa.

"sure...but its your night to cook"he smiles back at me.

"yaaaa..thanks" i give him a hug and just give my dad a mad a look, while sticking my tonge out. He does the same.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-time skip*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

brought to you by Mabel's grappling hooks


 i come to the table and put down a plate of hamburgers. Its one of my favorite meals, and my dad's and pa's most favorite meal. I love to make it but i haven't made it in about a year because it doesn't feel the same without my pa and my dad here. It's been the first time in long while, sad thing is i've lost count.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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