Chapter XII

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During Varsity practice, Nat and I were so on page. We did scrimmages for about a hour and I assisted her in about four goals and she assisted me on three.

I crossed the ball to an unmarked Nat and the ball went straight to her head. She tipped it in over the keeper's hands and that's the fifth goal for her.

"Yeah Cap!" I yelled.

Nat jumped in my arms and the others on our team came into the group hug.

Coach blew the whistle and ended the practice.

"My voice is gone." I rasped.

"It's because you kept yelling the whole game. Honestly. I don't think you missed any opportunity to yell today." Nat teased.

I smacked her arm. "Hey! I had to support the team ya know?"

"Sure, sure. Or you just like yelling and being obnoxious." Nat chuckled.

"True true." Hannah said from behind me.

"Hey! Don't tag team me! Ugh, always picking on the young ones..." I said jokingly scoffing.

"Always the easiest to pick on." Nat laughed. I think I just got the chills from her laugh.

"Bullying stops here." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"And it starts right here." Nat points to the ground, smiling.

"Do I need to report this?" I said, still keeping my arms crossed, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Maybe kiddo." Jennifer smirked.

"Three seniors!? You guys they should know better than to pick on an innocent sophomore!" I said desperately.

"Innocent?" Nat asked.

"I don't think we've ruined her enough." Michaela laughs from behind us.

"I think we need to resume plan ruin Chris." Nat said.

"Any thing the Captain says." Hannah saluted.

"Hey! Don't I count as a captain?" I threw my hands up in despair.

"Naw. You're a Co-Captain. Nat's the head Captain." Michaela laughed.

"Discrimination." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Nat playfully glared at me.

"Umm... I said.. Uhh... That you are the best Captain around." I acted scared.

"I thought so." Nat flipped her hair obnoxiously and walked off, swaying her hips.

Don't look. Don't look. I thought but her hips were making me hyperventilate. I calmed my breathing and smiled.

"T-shirt partyyy!" Hannah yelled. She threw her shirt off and started spinning it.

"What the..." I started.

"It's a tradition." Nat said, taking her shirt off too. I was mesmerized. She had a tan, toned stomach, six-pack that was shining with sweat.

She smiled at me. "Want to join?"

I ripped my shirt off and I swung it around like Hannah.

Nat's eyes widened and her jaw dropped open. Hannah whispered something and Nat closed her mouth and blushed

I swung my hips around with my arms in the air. Nat looked bothered. In a good way.

A forward on our team blasted some music and we danced around for a bit.

I tried to keep my eyes away from Nat and her glorious body. I knew she kept looking at me and my heart fluttered every time.

What the hell is happening to me? I thought as my heart fluttered again.

"Hey." Nat said.

"What's up?" I said.

"I don't know, I felt like talking to you." She smiled. Cheeky one that one.

"Well, I'm honored." I bowed. Nat laughed. Full on, threw her head back laughed.

The whole team seemed surprised. They whispered something to each other and resumed whatever they were doing.

I changed back into my normal clothes and said my goodbyes to the rest of the team.

Nat walked me out to the parking lot.

"See ya tomorrow Brunside." I waved and she smiled and waved back.

"See you tomorrow Ryan." She said back.

I got in my car and drove off. I saw Nat in the rear view mirror and smile to myself. I could see that everyday and never get bored. Her face is a work of art.

I unlocked the door to my house and walked in.

"Dad I'm home!" I called. My voice echoes through the house with no reply.

I look on the table and see a note. Scribbled in my father's handwriting.

Dear Chris.
You're probably wondering where I am right now. I'm in Vegas. Having the time of my life. Hopefully. You can do whatever you want for the next three months or so. I'm not coming home. I've left a huge amount of money in your bank account. I'll keep checking it to see if you need a refill. So, you have the house to yourself and nobody holding you back. Take back the part that I said, "three months or so." No, I'm not coming back. You're almost eighteen. You have to learn how to live on your own. I probably won't see you. For a very long time. I'm sorry it had to turn out like this. I really am. I hope you have the greatest life you can have and have fun.
Much love, Dad.

I traced the last line and realized I was crying. A tear hit the paper and I wiped my eyes.

This can't be happening. I thought and sank to my knees. I'm alone.

Those two words rang through my head. I put my head in my hands and sobbed. Keep strong.

I tried to convince myself that I didn't care. I tried to convince myself that I saw this coming. I tried to convince myself that I was worth loving.

I couldn't.

I can't stay in this house. I have to get out. I have nobody. I don't know anybody.

I took my way too expensive car blindly drove somewhere. Anywhere.

I look up and see the school. I parked and went to the back seat. I curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

I can't do this. How am I going to do this. Alone. Nobody. My father, the only family I know of is hundreds of miles away.

With that, I my eyelids fluttered closed and I went into confused but much needed sleep.

This was one confusing chapter. That's all I have to say. Even the one writing it is confused. Sorry. I'll edit it later but if you guys can understand it, that would be amazing. I really need ideas. Really really need ideas. I'm running out. So comment on what we should do. I do have an idea with the USWNT in it but I don't know if I should use it. Please tell me!! ~N.H.

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