Chapter XIX

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Christen's POV
I let the team out earlier than planned so that I could talk to Nat and figure out what was going on.

"What's going on?" I asked Nat. I had taken her to the park near my house.

"Jade and I have history Chris." Nat said. I would ask her questions and all she would give me were vague answers.

"I understand that. What did she tell you?" I ask again for what felt like the hundredth time.

"I don't want to put you into this mess." Nat replied.

"All right. Screw it." I said, suddenly fed up. I was trying to help her but she isn't accepting it. There was nothing I could do. "I'm just wasting my time."

"Yes you are. You should go home." Nat nodded. Definitely not the answer I was looking for.

"Get over yourself and stop feeling bad for yourself. Because the 'Poor little Nat' plan is not working." I snapped and walked off. Crap. What did I just do.

"Everyone you love will leave you. She was right." I heard Nat said behind me.

I whirled around. "What?"

Nat looked at me sheepishly. "That's what a voice in my head told me."

"The voice in my head told me the same thing." I whispered.

"We're both messed up aren't we?" Nat held out her hand. I took it with a shrug.

"Here's the truth. There's a lot you don't know. About me or about Jade. There's more to both of us." Nat started I wasn't about to stop her. "We were toxic Chris. We loved each other in a way that couples should never love each other. It's like one was poison to the other. I knew that it scared Hannah it scared Cassy too. But, we loved each other none the less. And my whole life and my... messed-up-ness isn't defined by a relationship gone wrong. Things happen." Nat swallowed.

I got on my toes and hugged her. "You know, I understand better than others. Trust me on that."

"Th.. The way she whispered in my ear today just reminded me of something that someone did and it scared me half to death." Nat struggled to get the words out

"It's ok." I nod. "I'm going to talk to her tomorrow. No one messes with my best friend." It pained me to say that.

"I'm your best friend?" Nat asked, wiping away tears.

"Yeah if you haven't noticed, I do really care about you." I said back.

"Thank you. For everything." Nat said and I led her to my house and fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and changed into my best clothes. A tight and thin shirt that hugged my body in all the right places. And ripped skinny jeans that showed off my thighs and my calves. I felt like I needed to impress Nat. I walk around in sweats and a T-shirt way too much and it's nice to change it up once in a while. I put a thin layer of makeup on and went to go make breakfast.

I decided in making pancakes so I got all of the stuff ready and started baking pancakes.

"Smells great." Nat said, coming down the stairs.

"I try." I said back, getting a chuckle out of Nat. I also noticed my voice was a little raspy from yelling yesterday.

"You look good." Nat commented.

"I thought that I needed to dress up a little. My inner girl was shriveling up and dieing." I said.

"Well, I think I have to block you from all of the stares and comments you will get today. I mean look at you!"


"You are welcome." Nat said and sat down at the table as I laid pancakes in front of her. "Beautiful and can cook huh? What more can a partner ask for?"

She said partner. Does this mean something?

"This tastes amazing." Nat moaned.

Well that was a turn on. I have to get my head out of the gutter.

"Thank you." I replied and dug in.

We kept up the small talk all through the breakfast and I feel like the small things make you feel closer to the other person. I mean I don't think a lot of people know that her favorite movie is Mean Girls or that she rode horses and was obsessed with horse racing for a bit.

"I need something to change into." Nat said and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Sure." I said and opened my closet and Nat walked in and picked out an outfit.

"I'm going to look like you."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No. Just funny." Nat said holding up my usual pair of sweats and a Nike T-shirt.

"Go ahead." I nodded and Nat applied a minimal amount of makeup.

"I can't walk next to you looking like a slug while you look fresh off the runway." Nat explained.

"I don't look fresh off the runway. That's an overstatement." I gently slapped her arm.

"I think it's an understatement." Nat smirked.

"All right you." I said and led her to my car to ride to school.

When we walked in, all eyes were in us as we walked the halls.

"Hey Chris." A guy said. Yup, you guessed it. Cade Frenon.

"Hey Cade, what's up?" I ask back.

"You look stunning today." Cade said, clearly flirting.

"Only today? I'm offended." I said, acting offended.

"No, no, everyday." Cade seemed rushed. I saw Nat trying to hide a smile. "I wanted to ask if you would like to practice with me after school today? And then maybe grab a bite afterwards?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" I ask innocently, Nat choked.

"I guess I am." Cade smiled.

"Well, I'll think about it but I wouldn't et your hopes up! I know a couple of people that would be entirely willing to though. I'll introduce you guys soon!" I winked and walked away and left a dumbstruck Cade in the middle of the halls.

Once we were a respectable distance away, Nat burst out laughing.

"I... Can't... Believe... You did that!" Nat said between laughs.

"Mm I think this outfit was worth it to see you laugh this hard." I said chuckling.

"Oh man! His face!" Nat burst into another fit of laughter.

Hannah came rushing to us. "You rejected him?"

"Again." Nat confirmed still catching her breath.

"Oh my... Chris..." Hannah said exasperatedly.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I don't even know what to say." Hannah shook her head in despair.

"I mean I did tell him that there were a couple of you more than willing so I'll introduce you to him." I said and Nat started to laugh again.

"Dude! My stomach hurts!" Nat yelled while laughing and clutching her stomach.

"It gives you a killer six pack though." I retorted and Nat had to put her hands in her knees from laughing so much.

"All right lets get to class you children." Hannah said harshly but her smile have it away.

"Yes mom." I shot back.

"I don't think I can walk anymore." Nat said, breathlessly.

"Hop on." I bent down and Nat jumped on my back.

"I still can't believe you did that." Nat whispered in my ear, her hot breath hitting the back of my neck and I shivered.

If only she knew the effect she had on me.

I need to cannon this. Authors note over. ~N.H.

Is This Real?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora