The end of another term

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So before I get into this elevating addition, I have a dedication to make. It goes out to elyssa_allie for making this phenomenal cover! You guys should all check out her work and ask for covers if you are writing! :)

Ok, now back to the I'm all for holidays. Completely and utterly. The school term is stressful and irritating. But at the same time, I find that when people get back they are possibly even more aloof than ever. They attitude is so frustrating it's like a Kesha song: "well the party don't start till I walk in".

Gah, it really frustrates me. Like the world does not revolve around you toe-rags!! But of course I am speaking to only about 30% of the people in my grade. Others are awesome.

But anyway, I've gone of topic. Holidays, hallelujah praise the lord. They are finally here!! Sorry if all of you are still going to be in school next heart goes out to you all.

That's all from me guys, I know it's short and isn't as good but life's been ok lately and I've been positive....

Oooh, before I forget, you should check out piper103 for her Gracie and Eliana stories. They are potentially the best Harry Potter fan fictions out there and I have read them more times than I care to admit.

Ok, so now that is really all from me. Promise. See you guys, have a great rest of the week!

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