The vicious cycle of creative writing

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Let's get something clear. I am not a writer. Clearly I don't have the commitment or the drive to complete a story, not even a rants page. But. I do love writing, and I find that it's the perfect creative outlet to bring myself into the present and make sure that I'm distracted from the never-ending uni work that I'm supposed to be doing. 

I'm rambling again. But we all know I do that.

Point being, I'm at this point where I feel like life is a constant stream of unfinished stories, with everything hoping that their story will finish the way they want. That their dreams will be the perfect vision. And that's not how life works.....because we forget to write our own story and instead float around in the stories that someone else has written for us. we're basically parasites. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. 

That's all. 

This is me just holding myself accountable to living. And actually writing on this thing for goodness sake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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