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"so, jimin,"

jungkook shifted his body to sit closer to jimin, "when can i meet this taehyung guy you keep telling me about since 5 hours ago?" he grinned as he placed his chin on jimin's shoulder.

jimin lightly punches jungkook's arm and pouted, "stop exagerating."

jungkook let out his cheeky laugh followed by jimin. but then jimin frown at the thought that taehyung hasn't visited him in the last 3 days. now that jungkook brought the topic back, he can't help it but wondering if taehyung is fine or something might happened to him. jimin's father didn't say anything either, well, since he was the one who intoduced taehyung to jimin.

noticing that jungkook has been talking alone, he snaps his fingers in front of jimin to get his attention. jimin turned his head facing jungkook and just mouthed a 'what?' and jungkook had to flick jimin's forehead.

"ouch! you ass- aww that's hurt wtf"

"i just arrived here and i've been talking alone since you're too busy staring at your tv"

jimin grabbed the remote and changed the channel, "i was watching it".

jungkook don't eat lies so he placed his hand on jimin's shoulder and made him sitting face-to-face with him now.

the smaller gave out as he boringly look at jungkook. "spill it, park."

"look, i don't know what happened to him but he hasn't visited me since- i don't know like 3 days ago? well dad didn't tell me the reason is not helping too."

"you are thinking too much about it, you know?" jungkook responded while fixing jimin's hair. "please don't tell me you're in love with him." he added flatly.

"that's nonsense!" jungkook stopped fixing jimin's hair and stared at him for five seconds before he ruffles the puppy's brown hair. (a/n: im so in love with brown hair jimin that now it came back im blessed).


the taller clears his throat, "you better not be." he added a bit serious this time but jimin might not noticed that.

jimin frowns as jungkook leaves to get food. who is he kidding right now. he thought. but jimin just took it as an advice.

"kook! bring me some muffins please!"



the called boy woke up wincing his eyes to get clearer vision of someone who just woke him up.

"did you take your medicine today?" the voice asks.

taehyung got up and hug the figure next to him. "i did. once." he yawns and still hugging the latter. "when did you arrive?".

"this morning." he answered then he pecks taehyung's forehead.

taehyung smiled at the warm and sweet moment he is having right now with his lover. he saw the clock on the wall showing him the current time. he just realized he's been sleeping for literally a day now.

he hasn't been contacted jimin too since his cellphone is dead. he is pretty sure he'd get hundreds notifications just from jimin.

"you are the second person i've seen zoning out so much now."

taehyung chuckles and leans in to peck his boyfriend. "i'm hungry, please take me out for dinner, hm?"

the boyfriend smiles as taehyung walking to the bathroom. he sat there for a moment before he took out something from his bag and placed it on taehyung's bed.

'you better give him a call, tae'

he smiles and mutters under his breath and leaves the new cellphone there.


ok but who?

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