Chapter 16 {The End}

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Rose’s POV

~~~1 Week Later~~~

I woke up next to Dahvie and checked my phone 6:45am and I instantly knew what today was; it was the day Warped Tour started, I had been waiting for this day for a while and I was so excited.

I leant over and kissed Dahvie on the lips and then pulled away and grinned “You know what today is right?” Dahvie grinned “Yes I do!” I said excited “WARPED TOUR STARTS!” I yelled and stood up on the bed just then Jayy busted through the door “Why did you wake me up?” Jayy pouted I jumped off the bed and ran to Jayy and hugged him “Warped Tour starts today! I’m so fucking excited!” I said as a walked back to Dahvie “Yeah I figured that when you yelled” Jayy laughed.

“We better get ready, I’m going to have a shower” I said walking to the bathroom “Can I have a shower with you?” Dahvie teased “Ha ha no” I said and shut the door, I put my iPod on the docking station and played some Of Mice & Men.

Once I had finished having a shower I grabbed the towel and put it around myself, I blowed dried my hair and turned off my music before walking out of the bathroom back to my room, I found Dahvie still there Dahvie whistled I looked down and forgot I was still in the towel and that I needed to find some clothes to wear. “Come on Dahvie get up!” “Okaaay” He agreed “Go make me some breakfast please” Dahvie got up and walked out “Thank you” I yelled.

I looked at the clothes I had left there wasn’t much considering I had a tonne in my suitcase all packed, I picked out a Of Mice & Men shirt, black skinny jeans and black & white converses. I walked back to the bathroom and put on foundation and powder then some black eyeliner and mascara before curling my hair.

Once I finished I walked down stairs to find that Dahvie had cooked me chocolate chip pancakes “Thanks Dahvie” I said as I kissed his cheek, I took a plates and put 5 pancakes on it will some extra chocolate chips and put maple syrup on top and started eating it.

“We should leave at 8” Dahvie said looking at the clock I looked at the clock 7:35 “Okay” I finished eating and washed my plate “You can I have a shower now” I said to Dahvie “Nope I can’t Jayy is in the shower he should be done soon anyways” Dahvie said as he started walking upstairs.

It was now 7:55am I raced up stairs and grabbed my suitcase, phone and iPod and came back down stairs with it “Are you ready?” Jayy asked “Yep!” I said we walked outside to discover that their tour bus was out the front, Dahvie locked the door “Let’s go!” He said we got on the tour bus and settled in, Dahvie and I got the back room and Jayy got a bunk as well as the rest of the crew.

The first show is at Salt Lake City, Utah which was only a 4 hour drive and Dahvie and Jayy are meant to play at 3:00pm, I slept for half of the drive and the other half I mucked around with Dahvie and Jayy.

“I’m hungry!” I said as my stomach grumbled “Well we’re here so we can get some food” Dahvie smiled I hopped out of the tour bus as soon as Dahvie said that and Dahvie followed “Let’s get some Macca’s” I said “Okay it’s only down the road, Jayy are you coming?” Dahvie asked “Nope I’m going to get some food here and do stuff” Jayy declined “Okay see you later” Dahvie said “Bye” I said as I waved.

Was this real? (Blood On The Dance Floor Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя