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I just went on a ferris wheel...

You know what they say...

When life slap you in the face with a brick, you take that brick and build a house. Then crush life with that house like that witch in the wizard of oz.

No one says that but you.

Where in the duck's pond did you come from???

A house in the ducks pond.

SCISSORS YOUR BACK!!!! Everyone meet Scissors, Pebbles' wife.

I dont love her.

Who gives a flying camel. I ship you too and you are both apart of my imagination so you are husband and wife. Either that or you wont be apart of my imagination anymore got it?

Id rather not be apart of your imagination.

*gasp* PEBBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      That was not nice apologize to scissors.

Im not insulting her im insulting you. Seriously though have you seen how you act? Your completely mad.

All the best people arr crazy.


Stir the flamingo up?


Calm down honey It'll be alright.


Shut the front door!!!  You guys got a divorce? Why did I not know about this?

Because we were never married in the first place. I'm a pegasus your a frog, it would never work.

Well then what are you gonna tell our son. His name is Lined ya know.

How in the chicken did we have a son? Im a pegasus. We dont have children like frogs do. Prgasus have children when one of  their feathers from their wings fall off.  The featger is carried to a lake where it grows into a babasus, which is a baby pegasus.

Can you tell it again I wasnt paying attention.

Go to chickens butt.

You go to-

Wait why am I having a conversation witg myself?

Ok now I gotta go so I dont kill 1/3 of my mind.

Bye stalkers

Goodbye children

Bye snapchat goats...yes I ment goats.

Question: Do you think I should make a book based around that pegasus thing? cause I got ideas boy.

(This chapter is edited...well sorta im not good at that stuff. Auto correct helped me spell a few things: scissors, feathers, camel, imagination, and insulting.         Okaaay Byyyyyee)

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