Chapter 12

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The rain was starting to get wilder. The raindrops fell in the jeeps windows making it hard to see.

I looked through the mirror to see the back of the car. Malia that was sitting between Kira and Lydia wasn't really paying attention, she was just thinking.

Thirty minutes later after we had left Kira's house, we arrived to the Beacon Hills Reserve. The forest had fog and instead of the bright colors it normally had it was brown, grayish and wet.

Everyone got out of the car getting wetter with every second, but nobody really seemed to mind, they were all waiting for what was going to happen.

Scott checked his clock, 25 seconds till the injection made effect on Malia.

Everyone looked worried, and Malia noticed. She looked at us expectant, waiting for us to say something, but there was nothing to say.

Malia's ears where down, her fur was soaked in water and her eyes looked sad, like they always did when she thought nobody was looking at her, when she was around people she could have the prettiest eyes and the brightest smile. But when she thought nobody was looking, her eyes showed sadness in a way that even hurt me. I had spent so much time looking at her, that her eyes were my definition of sadness. But she was also my definition of beauty.

Nobody said anything because they knew what was coming, and I guess they couldn't feel anything else apart from guilt.

-"now" Scott said

Suddenly Malia's eyes turned blue but I knew she wasn't looking at us, she was looking at her dreams. She was looking at her worst nightmares. Even though she was having visions she was fully conscious and her body was moving normally.

Lydia closed her eyes because she didn't want to see the way Malia had stood up terrified not knowing what was happening to her, she didn't want to see the way Malia's eyes moved frenetically going from side to side seeing things we couldn't see but her.

Right now, Malia was my definition of terrified.

Scott had started to turn, his fangs grew and his eyes turned a glowing red.

-"now?" Kira asked him

-"not yet..." Scott said

Malia looked like she was being surrounded by her fears and had no where else to go. She looked from side to side rapidly, like she was trying to look for a way out. But by the way her body was moving, it looked like she had nowhere else to go.

I looked at Scott, he had to do it now.

-"Scott! Do it know" I yelled, the drops of water running through my face and then falling to the ground. Scott, Lydia and Kira where also wet, their clothes looked sticky and were soaked in water, making the curves of their body's visible.

Suddenly Scott kneeled in the ground and roared, one of the few things that was able to make my body shiver. His roar made my bones stiff and my muscles week, but I had to be strong, for Malia.

I looked at her and I saw how she suddenly looked at Scott, how her body started to change, I could hear her bones breaking, her skin and muscles changing into the form of the girl I loved.

As soon as she could, she screamed, a scream that made me shiver, that was the scream of someone who was truly horrified, scared, terrified and all their synonyms.

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