Author's Note

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Before I begin, I wanna explain a few things so my story will make more sense. 1) This story is written in third person limited. For those of you who haven't taken Lit, that means it's in third person, and it's from one person's perspective, and you get the thoughts of that same person. However, it is still being narrated by an outsider. Since most of the chapters will be from Jadynne's perspective, unless I say otherwise you should assume the chapter is from her POV. If I say it's from someone else's POV, then the chapter will be from that person's perspective but will still be in third person. 2) The cast list is in order of appearance. I will be posting at least one picture of each character so you can see how I pictured them. 3) Because I go to a crazy school that likes to give a lot of homework, I will unfortunately not be updating too often. So if I don't update for a while, don't worry, I'm still alive, I'm just busy with school. 4) I have never written a story like this before so I really need some feedback. If you think it's good, then please let me know. If you think it's bad, then please let me know how I can improve. 5) I don't think I really need to say this, but this story is copyrighted. You are not allowed to copy any part of this story! 6) I think I'm gonna post some of my favorite songs on the side. They have nothing to do with the story but go check them out anyways. Anyways, that's all for now, so without further ado, enjoy Chapter 1!

-Lucia <3

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