Chapter 8

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The next day, when Jadynne awoke, she found that Corin was alone. A moment later, she heard the flutter of Faerie wings and expected to see Liyana. However, the Faerie who appeared was a male Light Faerie, with hair the same golden color as Corin's.

He flew up to the front of her prison, and gazed at her, taking her in. "So this is her," he murmured softly. While his gaze was unwavering, it wasn't at all harsh like Corin's had been the previous night.

Corin flew up beside him. "Yes," he sighed.

The new Faerie placed a hand on Corin's shoulder. "Are you holding up alright, my friend?" he asked, looking concerned. "I understand how you feel about the Dark Faeries . . . "

"I'm sure I shall be alright," Corin said wearily. "This is not about me, anyways. 'Tis about my people."

The Faerie raised an eyebrow. "Are you certain that you're alright?"

"Yes, Trystan. Though I truly appreciate your concern."

"I admire your strength of mind," Trystan told him quietly. "I'm not sure I would have been able to forgive the Dark Faeries as you have."

"Forgive them? No, I have yet to forgive them for what they've done to me. 'Tis only because Liyana kept telling me last night not to judge her by the actions of her fellow Dark Faeries. And while I cannot say I trust this Faerie at all, I must concede that Liyana had a point."

"None of that changes my opinion," Trystan said, the corners of his mouth turning upward. "I still believe that you are quite a strong Faerie."

"Thank you, my friend," Corin answered, smiling for the first time. He looked quite handsome when he smiled. No, Jadynne quickly corrected herself. Of course, he didn't. He was a Light Faerie, of all beings. Besides, she was already in love with Aron, was she not?

The sound of more wings beating interrupted her mental argument. "It must be Adrian and Xander," Trystan commented to Corin. He peered at the sky, trying to make out the approaching Faeries. "When I spoke with them, they were quite, how shall I put it, curious about this Dark Faerie."

Trystan's prediction must have been correct, as two male Faeries soon arrived.

One of them let out a low whistle. "So this is a Dark Faerie. I've never seen one before." He circled the prison, taking in the sight of Jadynne and looking at her with great interest.

"Yes, Xander, 'tis her," Trystan laughed good-naturedly. "Though how you figured that out, I haven't the faintest idea." Xander chuckled, but his eyes never left Jadynne.

The fourth Faerie stood in place and stared at her as well. His stare was unnerving. There was something strange about it. While he seemed interested in her, he to be cold and unimpressed at the same time.

Jadynne could not help feeling greatly irritated. 'What am I,' she groaned mentally, 'some sort of attraction?'

Meanwhile, Xander was still captivated by her. "Isn't she fascinating, Adrian?" he asked cheerfully. "I never imagined a Dark Faerie to look like this."

Although his comments could have been taken as condescending, Jadynne did not feel terribly insulted. She now understood that most Light Faeries had never seen a Dark Faerie, and they were just as curious about her as she had been about them. She sensed that Xander did not intend to be rude. Adrian, on the other hand? His piercing glare made her uncomfortable, and she avoided looking at him.

"Well, we must be going," Adrian announced at last, indicating Xander and himself. "Farewell, Corin, Trystan."

Xander frowned, reluctant to leave. But he followed Adrian. "Farewell, my friends!" He turned to wave goodbye. "I cannot believe that I have now seen a Dark Faerie!" he beamed, before flying after his other friend.

After the two had left, Corin and Trystan stood in silence.

"That was . . . interesting," Trystan said drily, breaking the silence.

Corin chuckled. He had a nice laugh. "Indeed."

Trystan turned to Jadynne. "I apologize for my friends' behaviors," he said with a friendly smile. "I must confess, they usually are more mature." Corin turned away, trying to hide his frustration that Trystan was apologizing to a Dark Faerie. Jadynne appreciated his effort, and decided that his girlfriend was a remarkably good influence on him.

Jadynne gave Trystan a small, grateful smile in response to his apology. His smile deepened before he turned back to Corin. "Take care, my friend," he said, embracing Corin. "I shall visit you here again if I am able." And with that, he was gone.

Corin locked eyes with Jadynne. She felt heat rise into her cheeks as she realized that she was alone with the Faerie who seemed to loathe the Dark Faeries with a passion.

Sorry this is so short, guys, but this felt like a good place to break off the chapter. I tried to tone down Corin's feelings a bit since I received comments about that last chapter, *cough* @Mythgal *cough*. This chapter has a pic of Trystan. The song is from a musical, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It's a beautiful song, so check it out! Until next week,


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