Chapter 17: Target Two

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"Why can't I do it?" Brom screamed in frustration as beads of sweat rolled down his temples.

Fendrel shrugged nonchalantly. "I have no idea whatsoever. Try again. Concentrate Brom."

Brom growled and concentrated so much he was sure his mind was about to pop. He declared," Arndi eldrih!" Again, nothing happened, much to Brom's irritation. Why can't I do it? Damn it!

Oh, you give up so easily?

He was so tempted, so very much tempted to tell the Demon Lord to shut up, but...

But that wouldn't be wise, now wouldn't it, little human?

"How can I not do it!" Brom was comically turning red with anger, emphasized by the howl of laughter that echoed through his mind, and that one was not his.

"Arndi eldrih."  Brom's gaze transfixed on the infernal spirit that was beginning to form beside Fendrel. Moments passed and flame specter stood there, as still as stone. It looked like a normal human, except for the fact that 'he' was clothed in pure orange fire and he wielded a sword that was also burning. Its face, if there was any, was devoid of emotion. His stance showed power and skill not found in humans, only elves. Brom glowered in envy, he had hoped to be able to cast such a useful spell like that but fate said otherwise, refusing such a thing to pass.

"Maybe at the cost of the your gift, you can't cast other spells," Miasmador said. "Just saying, is all." He added when Brom glared at him.

"Maybe," Fendrel agreed, a sad smile framing his face.

Listen to them, for they are right.

"Can we try another spell?" Brom asked, hopeful that there was only one thing he can't cast and that Miasmador was wrong and he can cast other harder spells.

"Alright," Fendrel agreed. "Let's try freezing water." Focusing his own energies, Fendrel announced,"Lokri!" 

A small sphere of water appeared on the Shadow Master's right arm, and with a wistful smile, he added,"Emroysa!" 

The water freezed just as Fendrel commanded and he again added with a devious grin,"Skortz ti Miasmador!" 

The ice ball fired itself at Miasmador, just as the older man had wished, or rather, had chanted. The sphere shattered at the dragon's side, which the dragon responded with a fierce growl. The dragon responded by spewing a short stream of flame from his maw. This elicited a rather funny reaction from Fendrel, the man jumped up with sudden shock and fright and cursed loudly. By the time Fendrel calmed down, Miasmador and Brom were howling in laughter while the man merely glared at the dragon.

"Alright, well then you cast it!"

The boy's mood changed from happy to concerned in an instant. What if he can't cast it?

Don't you bet on it, little fool.

With a worried face, he declared,"Lokri!" 

An aquatic sphere manifested in his right hand. So far so good. He said,"Emroysa!"  Nothing happened. Just what I thought. Brom said, both angry and sad at his current situation.

I told you. The words resonated within his mind just as a chuckle sounded, causing him to become more vexed.

Oh, the idiocy of mankind not to trust the words of a god.


Bad mistake, Brom knew too late, as a slight disturbance in his mind, as well as a terrible headache, was suddenly plaguing him.

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