Chapter 27: The Strife of Shadows, Part I

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They reached the mess hall first, and lo and behold, Glandias was there, brandishing a sword and dagger, his face inscrutable, but the gleam in his eyes told otherwise. He wore a leather vest, leather arm guards, leather pants, and fur boots. All but the boots were colored a dark gray. He did not wear a hood, thus his hair cascading at his back was visible. 

"Come at me," Glandias calmly challenged the people surrounding him.

It was only then that Althalos noticed the horde of elven and orchish foes around the Night Warrior.

"Eldrih!" A elf woman cried out, and a burst of fire erupted from her hand, directing itself to Glandias.


"Skoldri!" Glandias countered, and just as the fire would've hit him, it bounced off of him, him being protected by an unseen shield.


"What're you fools waiting for? Let us help him!" Leoric commanded them, charging forwards the alliance of elves and orcs foes, immediately engaging battle with a bulky green-skinned brute wielding two axes.

"Xy ettaxedecyk!" Zaebos suddenly howled out, startling his Champion for a moment.

Be immobilized!

Then he saw the elf right in front of him preparing a stab at him, but fortunately, was immobilized by Zaebos. 

"Damn it, I need to concentrate!" He muttered to himself, then turned to the elf, electricity sparking from his fingertips, shooting it at the foe still held still by the Zaebos through magic, albeit a demonic one. The elf lay on the ground, blood pooling out of every orifice of her body, froth bubbling at her mouth.

"Myrkr," Katelyn said, getting into the fray. She proceeded to hack multiple orcs with her dark whip-like appendage shooting out of her arm.


"Eldrih kolstri!" Ayleth cried, directing her palm to a group of elves surrounding Leoric. Said spell did as was told, and moments later, three lay scorched and dying while the others tried in vain to douse the flames engulfing them.

fire ball!

Althalos looked to his side and behind, and noticed that three Nightwalkers were already battling the remaining enemies, three elves and five orcs.

A lone orc suddenly charged him, his war hammer intent on crushing every bone on his body, but the Silencer managed to dodge it. Unsheathing the Doombringer, He aimed a wicked stab at the orc's side. It hit, but still, the orc was not fazed in the very least from the sword jutting out of his body. What in...

His thoughts were snapped by the war hammer nearly breaking his arm in two. He retaliated with a stab to the stomach, but was blocked by the orc

"Gurz marr lat!"! The orc screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. Disgusting bastard!

Death take you!

"Damn!" He cursed, evading a wicked strike from the hammer about to smash his head to dust. 

"Seems you have a language of your own! I thought you were mere stupid animals!" The Silencer taunted the orc, and it did the trick. Only I can take advantage of my rage, well, me and Katelyn. He mused, smirking as the orc roared in anger, then charged.

He evaded another strike, then took the chance the slash the orc across its chest, and thank Merec himself that orcs are either too proud or too stupid to wear armor on their torso. The laceration reached from the orc's left shoulder, to its right stomach.

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