Love in the Little KIngdom Part 7

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Ben didn't go to the workshop after all. After Holly left him on the Oak branch, disappearing into the sky with a swirl of sparkling dust, he started the long journey down the tree.What must it be like to simply take wing an fly off? Fairies were so much like butterflies or dragonflies, gleaming and elegant.

But Holly had kissed him! Silly, frivolous Holly who had also been his best friend the one who made him laugh, with whom everything was shared and every look had a private meaning.

Riding high on a wave of elation, remembering every tender moment of their tryst, every touch and caress and the tantalising prospect of more he reached the forest floor and reality hit him with a thump.

She was a princess, a fairy princess. Friendship was ok, but romance, no way, impossible. This realisation was hammered home to him when he went into his mother's little apartment and saw Queen Thistle sitting in his father's old chair. The Wise Old Elf was standing next to her chair and his mother bustled in from the kitchen with a tea tray. She glanced at Ben as she came in and gave him a little smile before setting the tray down on a table by the fairy Queen's elbow.

"Thank you Anna." She said and then turned to Ben with a warm smile. "Don't stand on ceremony Ben, come and sit with me."

"I'll make you something to eat." She said to Ben and escaped back out into the kitchen. He didn't blame her. For all the Queen's smile and the Wise Old Elf's benevolently blank expression, he knew they hadn't come to have a pleasant afternoon chat over tea and finger buns. Ben took the chair opposite the Queen and waited. They couldn't possibly know what had just passed between he and Holly, could they?

"Now Ben, this is rather awkward. The King and I are very fond of you and your mother and we felt the loss of your father deeply. It is with a weight of great sorrow and regret that I have come here to speak with you." Light from the afternoon sun sparkled off her crown that was so delicate it seemed as though spun from golden sugar.

"But speak to you I must." She went on. "Some hints passed to me by Nanny Plum and the Wise Old Elf have led me to believe that the relationship between yourself and Princess Holly has begun to drift towards something more than friendship."

A clattering from the kitchen followed by a whirl whirl whirl sound as a metal bowl came to a rest after spinning across the floor interrupted her.

"Sorry! Butterfingers!" Ben's mother called from the kitchen. The Queen's smile twitched slightly before returning.

"Your majesty, I don't really know-" Ben started to say, stammering over his words. How could he confirm or deny what she said? He had hardly come to terms with his feelings himself. The Queen held up one small elegant hand to halt him.

"I am not asking for confessions or denials. I only wanted to say that such a development would be unacceptable. Holly has manifold responsibilities and obligations to all of those that live in the West Glade. She is easily distracted, so, those of us that care about her," she said with emphasis, "need to support her in meeting those obligations."

Ben felt the blood rising in his face. He felt embarrassed and angry at being embarrassed. Also indignant, didn't anyone truly care about Holly?

"What is the point if she's miserable forever?" He blurted. "Why does the future of the West Glade mean she can't be happy? I love her and she loves me!"

"Ben!" The Wise Old Elf snapped. "You do not adopt that tone with her Shining Majesty."

"It's alright Wise Old Elf." Queen Thistle said. "I admire the strength of your feelings, Ben. It pains me to have to crush your youthful heart like this. It is not a beautiful act. But I must uphold Fairy Law. If you pursue an affair with my daughter, you will be banished from the West Glade and Holly will be passed over in favour of her younger sisters as successors to the throne. She will be a wilted flower, forever."

Ben stared in shock. Banishment? He would never see his mother or Holly again. He hung his head.

"I understand."

"Good. I will have a similar conversation with Holly when she turns up. Hopefully all of this can be smoothed over before the Spring Ball. Thank you Anna." She inclined her had to his mother as she rose to leave. His mother placed a lunch tray on the low table and curtsied.

"You're welcome, your Shining Majesty."

"Good day to you both." The Queen said and swept out of the room accompanied by the Wise Old Elf who avoided Ben's eye as he left.

Love in the Little KingdomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz