Love in the Little Kingdom Part 11

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"Ah, Holly my dear, there you are, just come over here a moment would you?" Her father spotted her and waved her over. She groaned to herself but she couldn't bring herself to ignore her father.

"Yes, Papa?" she said, coming to the King's side. He was dressed in his finest silk robe of green, his beard was resplendent and his crown shone. His eyes held their usual merry twinkle as he put an arm around her shoulders and guided her forward.

"Come greet King and Queen Marigold who have just arrived." Holly's heart sank. There beside her father were the King and Queen of the East Glade kingdom, beaming wide smiles at her.

"Princess Holly." King Marigold began in his nasal drone. "You are looking most lovely tonight. Please allow me to present to you my son, Prince Thorn."

King and Queen Marigold stood apart to expose the figure standing behind them. Holly squinted at him in the lanternlight.

"Come and greet Princess Holly, Thorn." Queen Marigold said in her too-high voice. Prince Thorn trudged forward on leaden feet to stand between his parents. From beneath a thick black fringe he glanced at her with eyes that were half-closed.

"Evenin' Princess 'olly." He didn't smile. His father nudged him with his elbow and Prince Thorn gave a minute bow. Holly curtsied.

"Good Evening Prince Thorn."

Their group stood together in awkward silence, Holly smiling blankly whilst Prince Thorn studied the ground with disinterest. Queen Marigold took in a breath, fixing Holly in her sights.

"That's a beautiful gown, Holly, is it lilies?"

Holly poked out one leg to lift up the skirt of her white petal gown.

"Yes it is thank you, Nanny made it especially for tonight."

"Doesn't Princess Holly look lovely, Thorn?" Queen Marigold prompted the Prince who merely shrugged.


Another silence followed until Holly spoke up.

"Did you have a good journey, Prince Thorn?" She asked him. The Prince blanched slightly at being directly addressed but eventually nodded.

"Yeh. S'not far to the West Glade."

"Good." Holly smiled sweetly. "That means it won't take long for you to get home again."

Prince Thorn blushed, his eyes opening fully in surprise at what she said.

"Good Evening, King Marigold, Queen Marigold, Prince Thorn. Please excuse me, Papa." She said with a smile, curtsying again as her father and King and Queen Marigold coughed and shuffled in embarrassment. She walked away, downing the last third of her drink and replacing the empty goblet on a waiter's tray.

She weaved through the crowd to escape her family and stood near the water's edge. There were more ball-goers, mostly elves, out on the boats which had been tied together for stability and to allow the revelers to move between the decks. The elf band was tuning up on another wide barge tied off slightly apart from everyone else, to spare everybody's ears. She felt someone come to stand beside her, tall and thin in a blue robe. It was the Wise Old Elf.

Love in the Little KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now