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Author POV.

Normal people AU. Solangelo is at university.

Will Solace woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of his roommate's screams. He jumped up, looked over at Nico Di Angelo, who normally would hate all contact but right now Will didn't care.

"Nico? Nico?! Nico!!! Wake up, gods dang it!" Will said, shaking Nico at the same time.

"Will?!" Nico asked, as Will picked him up and sat him in his lap, holding him tightly to his chest.

"Thank gods, I thought I would never wake you up. Are you OK?!" Will asked, already feeling worry spread through him.

"I-I'm OK, j-just a nightmare." Nico said, still shaking visibly, "I'm sorry I woke you up, Will."

"It's OK, Nico. Everyone gets nightmares, sometimes it's just better to be held by someone afterwards." Will said. After checking to make sure Nico was alright again, Will gently lifted Nico up and began walking back to his bed.

"Will?" Nico asked, his voice barely a whisper. "Can you stay with me? Please?"

"Of course..... always." Will said, lifting the covers and climbing in beside Nico. Will's arms went around Nico's waist, trying to comfort the smaller male. Nico cuddled into Will's side and soon fell asleep with Will not to far behind. And that's how they woke up the next morning, a little confused, but not unhappy to be in each other's arms. They cuddled together for awhile until they had to get ready for class.


A/N Sorry it's so short, I just thought of the idea and thought it was cute. I have terrible writers block, and if you guys reading this story have any ideas, please feel free to comment or PM me! Anyway, I hope you like this little drabble. Dedicated to everyone who read/enjoyed reading my one-shots! Just letting you guys know, all the pictures that I've used I've taken from Google images. The ones that are not signed, I don't know who they're by, sorry. Word count: 352. PS, did anyone catch the Mocking Jay reference I made up there?

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