Part 1 - "Nice to meet you."

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I got a LOT of auditions in only like 30 minutes so I've got all the people who I wanted, thanks (:

Now off to part 1!


*Brianna's POV*

New town, new school, new friends. I got to start it all over again. Not that I didn't want to, tho. I had a choice to stay with my mother in my old town. But my life was too messed up to stay there. All my friends had turned their back on me, even Troy. He has always been my best friend, he was my neighbour for 12 years and now he suddenly ignored me. At first I had no idea why, until other people started whispering behind my back, tossing papers with words like 'slut' and 'bitch' on it. When I passed by some people tripped me. But I'm a tought girl, I won't let people do that. So I got in a fight. Everybody was against me. I gave this girl a blue eye, and did some other stuff too. Untill my 'dear friend' Troy got me off her.


"What the hell is wrong with you Brianna!" Troy screamed in my face in the middle of the schoolhall. All the people were staring at us, but I couldn't care less.

"What the hell is wrong with YOU! You were my best friend for, i don't know, my whole life! And now you suddenly don't talk to me, people start calling me names and I won't let them get away with that. I have no idea what happend. Why won't you tell me!?" I screamed back. I saw the principal getting closer. Shit. I'm in trouble now, I'm sure. Troy also saw him approaching, so he turned around and walked away like nothing happened. I felt anger burn inside me, and I was pretty sure you could see it in my face.

"What is this, Brianna Harris?" The principal asked me.

"Nothing..." I said slowly.

"I can see it is something. Come to my office after class, Ms Harris." Great. Now I was probably being expulsed or something. It wasn't my fault, was it? Why don't they ever see the one who begins. Like, really begins. Not the fight, but everything. Did I do something wrong for people to act like this towards me?

-End Flashback-

I entered my new house, followed by my dad and my sister Femmie. I just had a 4 hour drive to come here, i was exhausted.

I looked a bit around to see how the house was like. It was big. Like, really huge. The furniture wasn't here yet, so it looked even bigger. The livingroom had two big windows and a fireplace. The walls were still white, but I was sure we would paint them because my dad loved colors.

"Girls, you should go upstairs to choose a bedroom. Mine is the one at the end of the hall, the master bedroom of course." Said my dad, laughing a bit. Fem hold my hand and run upstairs, dragging me behind her. She was still a bit childish, being 12 and all. But that's what I loved about her. I wouldn't know what to do without her.

The stairs were amazing. They were super modern, black and i loved them.

"I'm getting the biggest one!" I shouted when we were upstairs.

"No! I want the biggest one." Fem said back.

"Let's first see how big they are." I laughed, and Femmie joined me.

The first door we opened was a quite big bedroom. It had a big window with a walk-in closet and an extra bathroom.

"This is amazing!" Femmie said. "I want this bedroom, can I? Pleeaaase?" My little sister begged.

"Let's first see how the other ones look like." I said. She nodded

The other bedroom was on the opposite side, and it had 2 medium sized windows, with also a walk-in closet and an extra bathroom. The walls were white. This room was a bit bigger then the first one we saw.

"I still want the other one." Femmie stated.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yep." She answered shortly, popping the 'p'.

"There is still one bedroom left, let's see that one too before choosing, okay?" I didn't wait for her answer, but instead I just walked out of the bedroom and opened an other door.

I liked this bedroom the most. It had, again, a walk-in closet, 3 medium windows and an extra bedroom. The vieuw of two of the windows was the backyard, the other window was looking at the frondyard.

"I want the first one, is that okay with you?" My sister said sheepisly.

"Of course, I'm getting thisone then." We both nodded happily.

Fem run back to our dad, who was getting things from the car.

"Daddy! Why didn't you tell us you were getting the things. We could've helped." Femmie said.

"It's okay, and besides, we've still got a lot of stuff to do when the pantechnicon comes." My dad answered.

"Yeah, dad is right. We should see where we're gonna put our bed and stuff in the bedroom." I offered to Femmie.

"Okay, let's go." She answered running upstairs again.

"Wait, Brianna." My dad said when I was about to follow my sister. I looked at him and he started talking again. "What do you think of the house?"

"It's beautiful." I honestly answered. "I really do love it."

"I'm glad you do." He nodded and walked into the living room after closing the frontdoor behind him.

"Where are you putting your bed?" I asked my sister when I was in her bedroom.

"Right there!" She said, pointing to an empty space next to the closet. "And my desk is gonna be under the window, so I've got good light to do my homework."

"That's a good idea. I'm glad you like the house too." I said smiling.

"Are you kidding me? This house is awesome, and we haven't even seen half of it." She was right, we still had to see the kitchen, the bathroom downstairs, the garage and the backyard.

"Let's check it out then." I walked out of the room and heard Fem following me behind.

We had seen every detail of the house by the nighttime. The panthechnicon wasn't here yet, so my dad put out some mattresses in the livingroom to sleep on. I wanted to go outside for a while just before it got dark, to check the neigbourhood a bit.

I was walking in the street and saw a small bench, so i went closer to sit on it. I held my knees close to my body to get warmer, the temperature was cooling down a lot.

"New here?" I suddenly heard behind me. I stood up as fast as I could and turned around to see who was talking to me. It was boy, he had curls and cute little dimples when he smiled.

"You scared me." I said. "But to answer, your question, yes, I'm new."

"Me too." He smiled shyly. "I'm Harry, nice to meet you. I live at the end of this street." He said,

"I'm Brianna. I live at the other side." I laughed. "How old are you? I'm 17." I bet he was the same age as me.

"Me too." He smiled shyly again. "What school are you going to?"

"The one next to the big walmart." I answered.

"Me too."

"Can you say something different than 'me too' ?" I asked. We laughed.

"Me too." He answered. We laughed again. "I heard we start next week with classes. Should we walk to school together? I don't have any friends besides you." He said.

"Of course, me neither. So, we are friends now?" I asked. He nodded and we shook our hands.

"Nice to meet you, Harry." I laughed as i walked back home.

"Nice to meet you, too!"


Sooooo i hope you guys like it! Make sure to comment what you think and stuff! :D

xxx Rosa

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