Breaking Depression

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Too many FNAF Fic ideas -_-

-'He' wants people so depressed, they would do anything just to feel proud. So they could be his minions.

-'His' first test subject, Freddy. A party animal who loves throwing parties and hanging out with his friends, until... They avoided him, left him alone, left him broken.

-'His' second soldier, Bonnie. A girl who has a pure heart and loves all things good, until... She finds out why her previouse boyfriends: Freddy, and Toby, broke up with her, because her current boyfriend Fletcher threatens them to stay away. Knowing the truth hurt her, it broke her.

-'His' third comrad is Chica. A little girl who had a loving family, but... She was always bullied. At school, students and teachers bullied her left and right. She has never felt more depressed, more broken.

-'His' fourth ally is a guy named Foxy. After his brother's girlfriend breaks up with him, his brother was in a car crash and was in critical condition. He couldnt bare to see his brother in that condition, too much to bare, its heart breaking.

-'His' fifth commander was a teenager boy named Gabriel, or Gold. Now he was always depressed. He lost everyone he loved in a massacre. And he lost everything in a fire. It hurts, it broke his heart in peices.

-Finally, 'His' last fighter is a girl named Spring. Her full name is Spring Bonnie Trap Schmidt. Her brother was driven into suicide from Gossip, Blackmailing, and Taunting. The same was happening to her, she could feel everything functional break.

-They turn, well more of Get Turned. Melani needs to help them... Or is it too late. Are they too broken to be fixed?

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